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From Istanbul to the Drava
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Ottoman Empire – The Battle of Mohács, 1526
In this course, Dr Colin Imber (University of Manchester) explores the Battle of Mohács (1526), fought between the Ottoman forces led by Ibrahim Pasha and the Hungarian forces of Louis II. We begin by tracing the arduous journey of the Ottomans from Istanbul to the town of Osijek on the banks of the Drava. After that, in the second and third modules, we focus on the progress of the battle itself – from the opening skirmish that leads to the Hungarian cavalry charge to the Ottomans' gaining the upper hand and ultimately winning the day. In the fourth module, we think about the immediate aftermath of the battle, including the Ottoman army's journey back to Istanbul, before turning in the fifth module to the longer-term impact of the battle.
From Istanbul to the Drava
In this module, we follow Suleiman and the Ottoman army as they make their way from Istanbul to Sofia, then Belgrade, then the fortresses of Petrovaradin and Ilok, and finally to the town of Osijek on the River Drava.
Hello. I'm Colin Imber. I was a lecturer in Turkish at the University of Manchester,
00:00:02and I'm going to be talking about the Battle of Mo Hatch in 15
00:00:0826 which was really among the most significant events of the 16th century.
00:00:12Now Mo Hatch was a battle fought between the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman,
00:00:19the first known as the Magnificent in Europe and the King of Hungary.
00:00:31Now, before we start,
00:00:32I think it's important to say Hungary then was not the same as Hungary.
00:00:38it's comprised, yes, what the area of modern Hungary,
00:00:39but also Transylvania, which is now the western part of Romania
00:00:44and also Croatia,
00:00:51and right down to Dal Misha on the Adriatic coast.
00:00:53So it's a very large and important and powerful kingdom.
00:01:03we have to start with Suleiman the magnificent
00:01:05and the beginning of his reign because,
00:01:08ah, he came to power in
00:01:11the autumn of 15 20
00:01:13and his first major campaign was
00:01:16fought against Hungary and as a result of which
00:01:19he captured the very important fortress of Belgrade,
00:01:23which lay lies on the confluence of two rivers, the River Sava, which flows
00:01:27to the west from Belgrade and the River Daniel,
00:01:33which flows to the north from Belgrade.
00:01:37So anyone who is going to enter and
00:01:40invade Hungary has to capture Belgrade first.
00:01:44Well, in 15 21
00:01:48Sulieman had done this. So the gateway to Hungary lay open to him.
00:01:57between that conquest and 15 26 he had
00:01:57been engaged elsewhere with rebellions in Egypt,
00:02:02which had to be pacified both militarily and administratively.
00:02:07But in 15 26 his opportunity seemed to arise because, um,
00:02:12there was no one the King of Hungary could call on for
00:02:19an alliance because his most obvious allies would be to the West.
00:02:24That is the Archduke Ferdinand,
00:02:29the ruler of Austria,
00:02:33and his brother Charles, the fifth, who was both the Holy Roman Empire emperor,
00:02:35effectively emperor of Germany
00:02:42and King of Spain.
00:02:44Well, they were fully occupied with first of all,
00:02:46the chaos caused by the Lutheran upheaval in Germany and Austria,
00:02:51and also by the Peasants War,
00:02:58which broke out in Germany in 15 25 so their attention was elsewhere.
00:03:01Another possibility possible ally would have been Poland,
00:03:08But Sulieman made a three year truce within a treaty of peace in 15 25.
00:03:11So Poland was out of the picture,
00:03:20and so at the time, seemed to exactly right.
00:03:23Also, the Janet Terry's,
00:03:26Suleiman's most important Infantry Corps had rebelled in 15 25 and the way
00:03:29to calm the Janet Terry's one way was to mount a major expedition,
00:03:37which would keep them away from the capital capital and onto the battlefield.
00:03:45And where if they were victorious, they could
00:03:49gain a lot of loot.
00:03:52So in this in the winter of 15 25 and over the winter and the beginning of 15 26
00:03:53preparations began with the call up of troops,
00:04:03most of whom were actually stationed in the provinces and had to come a long
00:04:07way to the assembly grounds and also ordering a lot of provisions for the army,
00:04:12which were sent often from
00:04:22over the Straits and into Europe so that the army could be fed as it proceeded.
00:04:23And also a war tax was raised from the population.
00:04:30By the spring of 15 26 everything was ready
00:04:36on April. The 23rd was the date that the astrologers had declared to be auspicious.
00:04:40So it was that date that Suleiman set out
00:04:47and apart from a stop in Edinburgh now on the border between Turkey and Bulgaria,
00:04:51where he had a palace, he waited for some time
00:04:57and had a halt and then moved on
00:05:04in pleasant weather, it seems
00:05:05towards the town of positive which is now now in Bulgaria.
00:05:08Here he found that plans had gone right.
00:05:13The troops had all come from Anatolia from Turkey.
00:05:17They had crossed the straits into Europe and also
00:05:20the troops from his European provinces had assembled.
00:05:25And so
00:05:29the next stage of Sofia,
00:05:30this really is where the difficulties began.
00:05:33Its a very rocky where wrote from positive to Sofia
00:05:35up through the rocky valleys between two mountain ranges.
00:05:41And so the army was divided into two so that they would not
00:05:46crowd the difficult passes too much.
00:05:50But what was worth is the campaign diary written of which the
00:05:54Ottomans kept said that there were hail the size of rain of hazelnuts
00:05:58and the rain was continuous.
00:06:05But the army did march through the rain and on the 29th of of uh,
00:06:08May it was in Sofia.
00:06:15The sultan to was in Sofia, where he held a D. Von a council meeting
00:06:18and prepared to and set off.
00:06:24That is, after he had sent out men to buy yet more provisions for the army.
00:06:28Uh, but the going was not easy. On the first of June, the first part of the army set off.
00:06:34The second part started a few days later,
00:06:44but we were told that the what had been small streams were now overflowing
00:06:47and so that the going was extremely hard.
00:06:55And not only was it hard, it got worse.
00:06:58The army struggled its way
00:07:01into Serbia
00:07:04as far as the River Morava, which is turns
00:07:06northwards up towards Belgrade,
00:07:11which was therefore on the army's path and should normally be a quite an easy road.
00:07:13But it wasn't because it never never stopped raining.
00:07:19The troops were confused and helpless, the campaign diary tells us
00:07:23so. The fact between
00:07:31the 11th and the 21st of June, the army could move only two stages.
00:07:35So that's two days March out of 10 days because of the flooding,
00:07:40but eventually move. They did.
00:07:45The person who went ahead was the grand vizier Ibrahim Pasha,
00:07:48with the troops who were under his command
00:07:52and reach Belgrade.
00:07:55What is perhaps amazing is that before the campaign had been
00:07:57commands to build a bridge over the river Sava Belgrade,
00:08:02so that the army could then move into Hungary.
00:08:05And when the Ibrahim Pasha and then the Sultan reach Belgrade,
00:08:09it had actually been built despite the the overflowing river.
00:08:14And so they crossed. Ibrahim held an inspection. He examined all the
00:08:19all the weaponry. Anyone whose weapons were deficient was in trouble.
00:08:25And then when the sultan arrived,
00:08:31Ibrahim was commanded to march up the
00:08:34river to Hungarian Fortress called Petrova radon,
00:08:38so that the
00:08:42the obstacles in getting to know hatch weren't simply
00:08:44the bad weather and the horrible going underfoot.
00:08:48There was poor tresses to be overcome,
00:08:52and the Ibrahim reached
00:08:55reach. Petrova, radon.
00:08:57He began the siege he had, first of all, to drive a contingent of the
00:08:59garrison back into the fortress.
00:09:06The garrison had come out trying to hinder the preparations for the siege.
00:09:09Ibrahim sent out his men to gather Timur to build
00:09:19and the
00:09:21siege began.
00:09:24It was not easy at all.
00:09:26The army first captured the town around the around the fortress
00:09:28and then began to bombard it until in the words of the campaign diary again,
00:09:36it was hold like a sieve,
00:09:41but still it didn't.
00:09:43It didn't collapse until the fleet,
00:09:45which was coming with more troops and with the weapons up the rivers, uh,
00:09:50anchored opposite and and, more importantly,
00:09:57a The miners who have mined under the wall set fire to their mind Wolf.
00:10:01They walls blew up. And amidst all the
00:10:07all the smoke, the Ottoman Army entered the fortress.
00:10:12So that was the first barrier overcome.
00:10:17The second barrier was the next fortress along the river, called the Lock. That
00:10:21again a short siege.
00:10:26And the army could continue but difficult going between the hills on
00:10:28the left and the marsh lands of the river on the right,
00:10:32until they came to the town of Aussie Jack on the river driver.
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Imber, C. (2018, August 15). Ottoman Empire – The Battle of Mohács, 1526 - From Istanbul to the Drava [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Imber, C. "Ottoman Empire – The Battle of Mohács, 1526 – From Istanbul to the Drava." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,