Language and Power
In this course, Professor Annabelle Mooney (University of Roehampton) explores the relationship between language in power. In the first module, we explore the concept of speech acts and Jakobson's six functions of language. After that, we introduce three frameworks for analysing language and power, including Saussere's concept of the (bilateral) sign, Jakobson's concept of the axes of selection and combination, and the concept of constraints and affordances. In the third module, we think about the relationship between language and class and social capital, before turning in the fourth module to the relationship between language and power in the context of the law. In the fifth module, we think about the use of language – especially signs – in transforming spaces into places, before turning in the sixth module to consider some aspects of language and power in relation to money and economics, including the concept of cognitive metaphors and the reason that conspiracy theorists are so wedded to their ideas. Each module comes with a few suggestions for wider reading.
What this playlist includes:
22 lectures across 4 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Language and Power
Prof. Annabelle Mooney
Roehampton University
Roehampton University
1.1. Language and Power – 10:48
1.2. Three Frameworks – 12:42
1.3. Class and Social Capital – 11:54
1.4. Language and the Law – 10:24
1.5. The Linguistic Landscape – 10:47
1.6. Metaphor and Narrative – 11:34
2. Language and Power
Prof. Lesley Jeffries
Huddersfield University
Huddersfield University
2.1. Power, Ideology and Language – 08:26
2.2. Text and Ideation: Naming, Verb Choice and Nega... – 10:25
2.3. Further Salient Features: Lists, Opposites and ... – 13:22
2.4. Analysing Texts: Key Tips and Considerations – 04:59
2.5. Concepts in Action – 07:47
3. Language and Power
Prof. Emma Moore
Sheffield University
Sheffield University
3.1. What is the relationship between social class, ... – 12:26
3.2. Should we discourage the use of local dialects? – 11:14
3.3. How is power reflected in the sound of language? – 06:47
3.4. How is power reflected in the lexis of language? – 05:32
3.5. How is power reflected in the grammar of language? – 05:40
3.6. How are power relations embedded in discourse? – 12:34
4. Language and Power
Prof. Christopher Hart
Lancaster University
Lancaster University
4.1. What is a Text? Texts, Power and Perspectives – 07:33
4.2. Models and Methods – 07:50
4.3. Grammar, Power and Ideology – 05:46
4.4. The Power of Metaphor – 07:55
4.5. Multimodality – 09:08