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History   >   US History – Government Policies During the Civil War, 1861-65

Why the North Went to War

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US History – Government Policies During the Civil War, 1861-65

In this course, Professor Paul Escott (Wake Forest University) examines the American Civil War and addresses some of the popular myths that have developed about the war and whether they hold true to the historical record. In the first module, we examine the question of why the North went to war. After this, we explore the myths surrounding emancipation. We will then turn to examine Lincoln's involvement in the various proposals throughout the war for the colonisation of African Americans. After this, we look at Lincoln's views on reconstruction. And finally, we turn to examine the Confederate experience during the War.

Why the North Went to War

In this module, we explore why the North went to war. Contrary to popular belief, the North did not go to war to end slavery, but instead it sought (at least initially) to preserve the Union. In coming to this conclusion we will examine: (i) the Republican Party and slavery; (ii) Abraham Lincoln and slavery; and (iii) the reassurances made to the South on the eve of war.

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Escott, P. (2022, January 19). US History – Government Policies During the Civil War, 1861-65 - Why the North Went to War [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Escott, P. "US History – Government Policies During the Civil War, 1861-65 – Why the North Went to War." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 19 Jan 2022,


Prof. Paul Escott

Prof. Paul Escott

Wake Forest University