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History   >   US History – American Culture, 1754-1800

What is an American?

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US History – American Culture, 1754-1800

In this course, Professor Zara Anishanslin (University of Delaware) examines American culture from 1754 to 1800. In the first module, we answer the question "What is an American?". After this, we focus in on the development of American exceptionalism in this period, whilst also looking at American desires to expand westward. From there we focus in on some of the political developments of the period by looking at the "Join or Die" political cartoon. In the penultimate module, we have a look at American history in this period through what people were wearing. In the final module, we explore the contrasts between George Washington and George III.

What is an American?

In the first module, we answer the question "What is an American?". In particular, we will explore: (i) the political context in the late 18th century; (ii) the meaning of culture; (iii) Crèveœur's idea about who was an American in this period; and (iv) how the painting of John Potter and Family expands our understanding of who was American in this period.

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Anishanslin, Z. (2022, March 24). US History – American Culture, 1754-1800 - What is an American? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Anishanslin, Z. "US History – American Culture, 1754-1800 – What is an American?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 24 Mar 2022,


Prof. Zara Anishanslin

Prof. Zara Anishanslin

University of Delaware