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Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France?
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The Tudors – Foreign Policy, 1509-1603
In this course, Professor Susan Doran (University of Oxford) explores Tudor foreign policy through six key questions: (1) Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France?; (2) Why was foreign policy so disastrous during the years 1547-58?; (3) How did the Reformation affect foreign policy?; (4) How and why did England’s relationship with France change under Elizabeth?; (5) Why did Elizabeth go to war against Spain?; and (6) Was Elizabeth’s foreign policy a ‘complete mess’?
Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France?
In this module, we consider the question ‘Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France?’, focusing in particular on: (i) the extent to which Henry was at war with France in this period; (ii) the idea of warfare as a matter of personal honour as well as political expedience; (iii) Henry’s claims to the ancestral lands of the Lancastrians, as well as to the French throne itself; (iv) Henry’s deep, personal rivalry with Francis I of France; and (v) the importance of Scotland and the Auld Alliance in Henry’s relationship with France.
00:00:06I'm Sue Doran,
00:00:06professor of early modern British history at the University of Oxford,
00:00:07And I teach at ST Benet's Hall, and I'm a senior research fellow at Jesus College,
00:00:15Today we're going to talk about two to foreign policy,
00:00:16and in my first talk, I'm going to consider why Henry the eight spent so much time
00:00:20at war against France.
00:00:25Well, perhaps I should modify that because Henry,
00:00:27it didn't spend so much time at war against France.
00:00:30There were long periods of peace, but he did have four expeditions to France,
00:00:34and war against France was very much a centrepiece of his
00:00:40foreign policy and indeed, of his reign.
00:00:45We shouldn't be surprised that he went to war against France.
00:00:48After all, it was a martial society.
00:00:51A king was expected to go to war, not just in defence of his own country,
00:00:54but in defence of his honour.
00:01:00Why, against France? Well, France was the historic enemy
00:01:01of England.
00:01:06Henry wanted to win back the ancestral lands that
00:01:08had been lost during the wars of the roses.
00:01:13He made claim to Normandy and
00:01:17Aquitaine. Indeed, his first expedition was in Akron. 10.
00:01:21He didn't go there himself, but he sent um soldiers there to win back a cretin.
00:01:25And, of course, Henry also claimed
00:01:30to be the king of France.
00:01:33So had all earlier kings of England since the reign of Edward the third.
00:01:42when the French king's paid a pension
00:01:43two English kings, which they had done since the reign of Edward the fourth.
00:01:47It was in lieu of their claiming the crown of France. It was a kind of quid pro quo.
00:01:53You don't go and fight for the crown of France and will give you a pension instead.
00:01:59But it implicitly recognised that the English king did have a claim
00:02:04to the French throne,
00:02:10and at various points, Henry, the eighth,
00:02:11made that claim visible during his expeditions to France.
00:02:14So, for example, in the march on Paris,
00:02:18he chose to much march on Paris because that's where he would expect to be crowned if,
00:02:22indeed, he won
00:02:29the throne Now again.
00:02:30He didn't go personally to to Paris, but his lieutenant, the Duke of Suffolk,
00:02:31was in his place.
00:02:38So France is not.
00:02:40It's not really surprising that Henry is going to war against it now.
00:02:42It sounds as if This is very mediaeval. This is very chivalric.
00:02:47So how does this fit in with what we understand as Henry,
00:02:51the eight's being a Renaissance prince?
00:02:54I think we have to understand it partly through the work of Glenn Richardson,
00:02:56who has shown us that there was a deep personal rivalry
00:03:00between Henry the eighth and Francis the first not just
00:03:05in terms of winning lands being a great warrior,
00:03:09but also in terms of the magnificence that they portrayed
00:03:12in their palaces and the gifts they exchanged in the
00:03:16way they behaved at the field of cloth of gold.
00:03:20But certainly one way that they could
00:03:23express their competition was through warfare.
00:03:25So we shouldn't be surprised again
00:03:28that Henry decided that Francis first was his enemy and that
00:03:30that was what he was going to secure for himself.
00:03:35Personal glory at the expense of Francis,
00:03:40as well as the ancestral lands of the Lancastrian, uh, and Edwards, Third
00:03:43and also crown of France. It all went really well.
00:03:50Now. Henry could only go to war if he had two things. One were allies.
00:03:54Um, England was relatively small power.
00:03:59It couldn't by itself really fight the greater might of France
00:04:02and secondly, money.
00:04:08At the beginning of Henry's reign, he had both. He had allies because
00:04:09at that time the king was Louie Louie, the 12th of France, and he had antagonised.
00:04:15The pope and the Holy League had been, um, formed against him.
00:04:20And so Henry knew he had the support, particularly of Ferdinand of Aragon,
00:04:26who was the king of Castile and Aragon of Spain, present day Spain
00:04:31as well as money. He had the war chest that were
00:04:36built up by his father,
00:04:43The seventh, Henry, the seventh didn't consider it to be a war chest,
00:04:43but that was there that could be used.
00:04:46And of course, in his last war,
00:04:49Henry had all the resources of the of the dissolution of the monasteries.
00:04:51He not only had increased rents if necessary, he could sell the lands,
00:04:58which he did in order to finance the expeditions.
00:05:03So we see Henry, then as a king who is a renaissance, is where does the mediaeval king,
00:05:07who is determined to do what his ancestors did.
00:05:12But with that edge of seeking the magnificence and another element
00:05:15in the magnificence is the way that the war was fought.
00:05:20He built this massive warship, the Mary Rose. It wasn't the only one,
00:05:23but really it wasn't so much a ship that was going to be suited for fighting.
00:05:28It was a ship that was designed to impress.
00:05:33But also Henry's armies were bloated for the kind
00:05:36of warfare that he was going to carry out.
00:05:3940,000 men went to over to Calais and were intended to fight
00:05:42in Picardy
00:05:48in the last war of 15 44. So we can see then
00:05:49that Henry is determined to show himself a master monarch, a renaissance monarch,
00:05:53a magnificent monarch, not just one who's looking to the path and wanting
00:06:00to receive the honours and the lands that Henry the fifth had received at Agincourt.
00:06:05One final point, I think, is that Scotland comes into the equation.
00:06:11Did Henry the eighth go to war against France because it was the ally of Scotland,
00:06:16or did he go to war against Scotland because it was the ally of France?
00:06:21I would argue the latter
00:06:26that the old alliance between Scotland
00:06:28and France was not important to Henry the eighth,
00:06:31as it was to be later on to Elizabeth as we shall see afterwards.
00:06:35But what mattered was that the backdoor of England
00:06:39had to be closed when he took his army,
00:06:42his nobles over to the continent.
00:06:45And that's why
00:06:48in the 15 forties, once he decided on war against France, he sends
00:06:50an army
00:06:55to Scotland,
00:06:56and he believes he has defeated them with
00:06:57the great battle of flawed in which wasn't carried
00:07:00through as we shall see in a later lecture.
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Doran, S. (2020, August 09). The Tudors – Foreign Policy, 1509-1603 - Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France? [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Doran, S. "The Tudors – Foreign Policy, 1509-1603 – Why did Henry VIII spend so much time at war against France?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 09 Aug 2020,