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History   >   US History – The Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 1981-89


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US History – The Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 1981-89

In this course, Dr James Cooper (York St John University) explores the presidency of Ronald Reagan (1981-89). After a brief introduction in which we think about Reagan’s legacy today, the subsequent five modules explore five key questions relating to his presidency: (1) How successful were Reagan’s economic policies? To what extent were the benefits spread fairly across American society?; (2) To what extent did Reagan reduce ‘big government’?; (3) What was the nature and extent of social change during Reagan’s presidency?; (4) To what extent did Reagan ‘revitalise’ the presidency and US politics in general?; and (5) How successful was Reagan’s foreign policy?


In this module, we provide a brief introduction to Ronald Reagan and his legacy. Where does Reagan rank in the Presidential Hall of Fame?

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Cooper, J. (2019, November 17). US History – The Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 1981-89 - Introduction [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Cooper, J. "US History – The Presidency of Ronald Reagan, 1981-89 – Introduction." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 17 Nov 2019,


Dr James Cooper

Dr James Cooper

York St John University