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Philosophy & Religious Studies   >   Sexual Ethics

Traditional Sexual Ethics

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Sexual Ethics

In this course Dr Iain Law (University of Birmingham) takes a look at sexual ethics. In the first module, we introduce the content of traditionalist sexual ethics, before moving on to arguments in favour of, and objections to traditionalism. In the following lectures, we examine utilitarianism and situation ethics, as well as Kant and Kantian ethics. In the sixth module, we look at some of the issues arising from a liberal approach to sexual ethics, and then in the seventh module we discuss the limits of consent. Finally, we look at sexual ethics and the law, and the relationship between laws concerning sexual conduct and the sphere of morality.

Traditional Sexual Ethics

In this module, we introduce traditionalist arguments for sexual ethics, based on marriage and procreation. In particular, we focus on (i) the religious background to traditionalist sexual ethics, and its influence on western society (ii) the content of the traditionalist view, including permissible sexual conduct within marriage, and (iii) disputes about sexual morality among key thinkers and texts in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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Law, I. (2022, February 08). Sexual Ethics - Traditional Sexual Ethics [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Law, I. "Sexual Ethics – Traditional Sexual Ethics." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 08 Feb 2022,

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Dr Iain Law

Dr Iain Law

Birmingham University