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Traditional Sexual Ethics
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Sexual Ethics
In this course Dr Iain Law (University of Birmingham) takes a look at sexual ethics. In the first module, we introduce the content of traditionalist sexual ethics, before moving on to arguments in favour of, and objections to traditionalism. In the following lectures, we examine utilitarianism and situation ethics, as well as Kant and Kantian ethics. In the sixth module, we look at some of the issues arising from a liberal approach to sexual ethics, and then in the seventh module we discuss the limits of consent. Finally, we look at sexual ethics and the law, and the relationship between laws concerning sexual conduct and the sphere of morality.
Traditional Sexual Ethics
In this module, we introduce traditionalist arguments for sexual ethics, based on marriage and procreation. In particular, we focus on (i) the religious background to traditionalist sexual ethics, and its influence on western society (ii) the content of the traditionalist view, including permissible sexual conduct within marriage, and (iii) disputes about sexual morality among key thinkers and texts in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Hello, My name's Ian Law.
00:00:05I'm a senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Birmingham,
00:00:07where I teach a second year, of course, called Sex Ethics and Philosophy.
00:00:11Um, it normally takes 20 hours of content about sexual ethics.
00:00:21today I'm going to do a series of lectures
00:00:21amounting to a lot less than that and covering
00:00:23the A level syllabus and perhaps a little bit more.
00:00:27I'll let you know when I'm going beyond what the level syllabus covers
00:00:29in this first video.
00:00:34I'm going to talk about what I call traditionalist sexual ethics.
00:00:36This is often associated with religious views about the ethics of sex,
00:00:40but it doesn't have to be.
00:00:45There are some people who have a traditionalist sexual ethic,
00:00:47even though they are not religious believers.
00:00:50The main features of the traditionalist sexual ethic are a connection
00:00:53between the permissibility of sexual conduct and marriage and procreation.
00:00:57So the core of the view is that sex has a function.
00:01:04Sex has a natural function, perhaps a god given function,
00:01:08and that function is procreation,
00:01:13bringing into being the next generation of Children
00:01:15and also then bringing them up, raising them to adulthood.
00:01:18It's not just bringing about conception and you're done.
00:01:21The view typically is that in order to successfully procreate,
00:01:24any species doesn't have to be human beings has to not just
00:01:29mate but have a strategy for getting their Children to adulthood.
00:01:32And the argument that might be given for this is that biologically,
00:01:38the function of sex is procreation.
00:01:43After all, for millions of years there was no such thing as sexual reproduction.
00:01:47Why did it evolve?
00:01:54it evolved as a way of giving certain
00:01:54advantages to the way in which reproduction happens.
00:01:57But of course,
00:02:00that kind of argument was unavailable to many of the religious
00:02:01figures that kicked off this kind of approach to sexual ethics.
00:02:04Another thing we should be aware of is that although
00:02:09this approach is quite out of fashion these days,
00:02:12it was the dominant sexual ethic for centuries.
00:02:16For hundreds, if not thousands of years,
00:02:21the view that sex was permissible only within marriage was
00:02:24so dominant as to be unquestioningly accepted by almost everybody,
00:02:28at least in Western society.
00:02:34So if we want to take a kind of democratic view,
00:02:36and if we allow the dead as well as the living
00:02:40to vote on what we think sexual ethics should be like.
00:02:42We, with our modern liberal thinking about sexual ethics,
00:02:46would definitely lose that vote.
00:02:52so that gives us some reason to think
00:02:52we shouldn't be too dismissive of this approach.
00:02:55Even if we are very confident that our modern day
00:02:58more liberal approach to sexual ethics based on consent,
00:03:01which I'll talk about in later videos, is correct.
00:03:05The traditionalist view that marriage and
00:03:08procreation are very important to sexual ethics
00:03:12at least deserves a hearing.
00:03:15So what is the content of this view?
00:03:18The basic idea is that sex is permissible only within marriage.
00:03:20So if you are unmarried, you can't have sex.
00:03:26If you are not married to the person that you're having sex with, that's not OK,
00:03:35So you might both be married to other people,
00:03:35and the fact that you are married doesn't make it okay, So premarital sex,
00:03:37extramarital sex they are forbidden by this sexual ethic.
00:03:42But in addition to that, it matters what kind of sex you're having,
00:03:48because even if you're having sex within marriage, if you're having sex of a kind,
00:03:52which is not suitable for procreation,
00:03:57which couldn't bring a break about conception.
00:04:00That's not OK, either, according to this ethic,
00:04:03so the natural function of sex is reproduction,
00:04:07and if you are having non reproductive sex,
00:04:10then that's not okay.
00:04:13There are various different levels of strength of this kind of view.
00:04:16Saint Augustine had a really restrictive view.
00:04:21He thought that if you give in to lust,
00:04:25you are rebelling against God's requirement that you use your God given reason.
00:04:30So when you put your other faculties to work,
00:04:37when you use your hands to make something, reason can still be in control.
00:04:40But when you put your sexual faculties to work, he says, reason goes out the window.
00:04:45Uh, lust takes over,
00:04:50and this is a kind of sinful rebellion against God.
00:04:53So you almost think almost any, um, sexual activity would therefore be sinful,
00:04:57according to ST Augustine.
00:05:03But the Bible says that we should go forth and multiply,
00:05:05and we can't do that if we never have sex.
00:05:09So having sex is okay only if it's for the purpose of multiplying having Children.
00:05:12So for Saint Augustine,
00:05:19each sexual act is permissible only if it is intended to bring about conception.
00:05:21So if you are hoping that you are not going to conceive,
00:05:28even if you're having unpredicted, unprotected Penis in vagina sex, that's not OK,
00:05:33according to ST Augustine.
00:05:39According to ST Thomas Aquinas, however, that would be okay,
00:05:42because what ST Thomas says is
00:05:46the act must be of the right kind.
00:05:49And what he means by that is
00:05:52the kind of sexual activity you have must be the kind of sexual activity which could,
00:05:54in principle,
00:05:58lead to conception.
00:05:59So anal sex is out because you can't have Children by having anal sex.
00:06:01Um, oral sex is out.
00:06:08What's important for Saint Thomas is where what
00:06:10he calls the emission of semen takes place.
00:06:14The emission of semen must take place with the man's Penis
00:06:17inside the woman's vagina.
00:06:22Of course,
00:06:24ST Thomas's view that sex is happening only if there
00:06:25is an emission of semen strikes us as odd.
00:06:29We will probably be quite happy to think that you don't need
00:06:33a Penis at all in order for sex to be happening,
00:06:36and semen doesn't have to be emitted or indeed involved.
00:06:39But this just illustrates how the traditionalist approach
00:06:43thinks of sex is something that happens between a man and a woman
00:06:47that may only permissible happened between that man and
00:06:51that woman if they are married to one another.
00:06:54And they are, at the very least
00:06:57open to the possibility that their sexual act might bring about Children.
00:06:59And in some versions, ST Augustine's version
00:07:04only permissible if they are actually hoping and
00:07:08intending that their acts will bring about Children.
00:07:11So that's the content of the traditionalist view.
00:07:15In the next video, I'll talk about arguments for it.
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Law, I. (2022, February 08). Sexual Ethics - Traditional Sexual Ethics [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Law, I. "Sexual Ethics – Traditional Sexual Ethics." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 08 Feb 2022,