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History   >   Migration – Vikings, 700-1100

What is the connection between the Vikings and Migration?

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Migration – Vikings, 700-1100

In this course, Dr Erin Goeres (University College London) discusses Viking Age migration to and from Britain. In the first module, we look at the connection between the Vikings and migration. After this, we explore the story and migration of Eirikr Bloodaxe: Viking King of York. Then, we look the story and migration of Gunnhildr Mother-of-Kings: A Migrant Queen. In the fourth module, we focus in to look at the story and migration of Cnut the Great: King of England, Denmark and Norway. In the penultimate module, we discuss the story and migration of Emma of Normandy: Queen of England. Finally, we explore the story and migration of Sigurðr, Earl of Gloucester.

What is the connection between the Vikings and Migration?

In this module, we look at the connection between the Vikings and migration. In particular, we will focus on the key questions: (i) What was the Saint Brice's Day Massacre?; (ii) Did the Saint Brice's Day Massacre actually happen as described in historical records?; (iii) Who were the victims of the Saint Brice's Day Massacre?; (iv) What is the significance of the term "Danelaw”?; (v) How reliable are the historical sources about Viking migration to Britain?; (vi) What does archaeological evidence suggest about the Saint Brice's Day Massacre?; (vii) What challenges do historians face in identifying the "Danish people" mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?; (viii) How did the process of Viking migration and settlement in Britain evolve over time?; (ix) What evidence exists to support the migration and settlement of Scandinavians in Britain before the term "Danelaw" was coined?; and (x) How did Viking migration impact the identities and experiences of those who migrated?

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Goeres, E. (2024, May 23). Migration – Vikings, 700-1100 - What is the connection between the Vikings and Migration? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Goeres, E. "Migration – Vikings, 700-1100 – What is the connection between the Vikings and Migration?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 23 May 2024,
