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History   >   Migration - The Caribbean, 1600-1900

The Origins of British Settlement in the Caribbean

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Migration - The Caribbean, 1600-1900

In this course, Professor Sean Kelley (University of Essex) discusses migration to and from Britain from 1600 to 1900. In the first module, we look at the origins of British settlement in the Caribbean. After this, we explore British migration to the Caribbean in the 17th century. Then, we look at the connection between migration, sugar, and slavery. In the fourth module, we focus in to look at the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Finally, we explore British migration to the Caribbean after slavery.

The Origins of British Settlement in the Caribbean

In this module, we look at the origins of British settlement in the Caribbean. In particular, we will look at the key questions: (i) What were the motivations behind the earliest British voyages to the Americas, particularly those led by John and Sebastian Cabot?; (ii) How did the mythical island of Brazil and the Northwest Passage influence British exploration efforts in the Atlantic and North American regions?; (iii) What changes occurred in British overseas engagement in the mid-1500s, particularly in relation to raiding Spanish and Portuguese colonies?; (iv) How did religious and strategic rivalries between Protestant England and Catholic Spain and Portugal shape English maritime activities?; (v) What role did John Hawkins play in the early English slave trade, and what were the outcomes of his voyages?; (vi) How did early attempts at English colonisation, such as Roanoke and Raleigh’s expedition to Guyana, influence subsequent colonisation strategies?; (vii) What factors contributed to the establishment of successful English colonies in the early seventeenth century, particularly in Jamestown and the Caribbean?; and (viii) How did the need for labor in these new colonies impact migration and settlement patterns in the Caribbean?

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Kelley, S. (2024, May 16). Migration - The Caribbean, 1600-1900 - The Origins of British Settlement in the Caribbean [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Kelley, S. "Migration - The Caribbean, 1600-1900 – The Origins of British Settlement in the Caribbean." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 May 2024,


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Prof. Sean Kelley

Essex University