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History   >   Migration – India in the 20th Century

Soldiers, Ayahs and Lascars

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Migration – India in the 20th Century

In this course, Professor Faisal Devji (University of Oxford) explores Indian migration in the 20th century. In the first module, we look at the group of soldiers, ayahs and lascars. Then, we turn to look at travellers to Britain from India. After that, we explore the movement of ambassadors. Following this, we explore asian politicians in England. In the penultimate module, we look at representatives of Indian interests in Britain. Finally, we turn to discuss Mahatma Gandhi.

Soldiers, Ayahs and Lascars

In this module, we look at the group of soldiers, ayahs and lascars. In particular, we look at the key questions: (i) How did the lascars, Indian sailors who worked on British merchant ships, contribute to the formation of early Asian communities in Britain?; (ii) What role did Ayas, the Indian nursemaids, play in British households, and how did their employment and sometimes abandonment in Britain reflect the dynamics of Indian-British relations during that period?; (iii) How did the use of Indian soldiers in the British army during World War I reflect the broader implications of colonialism and race relations at the time?; (iv) In what ways did the presence of Indian migrants such as lascars, Ayas, and soldiers influence British perceptions of India and its people during the 19th and early 20th centuries?; and (v) How did missionaries and social organisations contribute to the support of distressed Indian migrants, such as the lascars and Ayas, in Britain during this period?

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Devji, F. (2024, May 02). Migration – India in the 20th Century - Soldiers, Ayahs and Lascars [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Devji, F. "Migration – India in the 20th Century – Soldiers, Ayahs and Lascars." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 02 May 2024,


Prof. Faisal Devji

Prof. Faisal Devji

University of Oxford