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History   >   Migration – British Migration, 1900-79

What is migration history and what has it looked like in Britain?

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Migration – British Migration, 1900-79

In this course, Dr Daniel Renshaw (University of Reading) explores migration into Britain from 1900-79. In the first lecture, we think about migration history as a discipline and its context within wider British history. In the second lecture, we think about migration to Britain from 1900-18. In the third lecture, we think about changes to British immigration policy from 1918-39. Next, we think about migration to Britain during and immediately after the Second World War. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about New Commonwealth migration to Britain.

What is migration history and what has it looked like in Britain?

In this lecture, we think about migration history as a discipline and the nature of migration in Britain, focusing in particular on: (i) the history of migration treated as secondary in the history of Britain, as contrasted to the history of the United States; (ii) the focus on migration, specifically the number of migrants resident in Britain, in the media; (iii) the first use of the term ‘refugee’ in the 17th century to describe the Huguenots, who were protestants fleeing religious persecution in France; (iv) late 18th century migration of African and South Asian people to Britain; (v) 19th century migration of Irish people to Britain, particularly during the famine years; (vi) late 19th century migration of Eastern European Jewish refugees to Britain.

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Renshaw, D. (2024, March 15). Migration – British Migration, 1900-79 - What is migration history and what has it looked like in Britain? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Renshaw, D. "Migration – British Migration, 1900-79 – What is migration history and what has it looked like in Britain?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Mar 2024,


Dr Daniel Renshaw

Dr Daniel Renshaw

Reading University