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History   >   Medicine Through Time – John Snow and Cholera, 1813-58

John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic

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Medicine Through Time – John Snow and Cholera, 1813-58

In this course, Professor Stephen Rachman (Michigan State University) looks at the outbreak of cholera in 19th century England, focusing in particular on the involvement of John Snow. In the first module, we take a look at Snow’s career, specifically focusing on his developing interest in cholera. In the second module, we look at the 19th century debate surrounding the nature of epidemic disease, before in the third module turning to look at Snow’s career in anaesthesia, in particular his experimentation with chloroform. In the fourth module, we trace the evolution of Snow’s theory about cholera, then in the fifth module, we focus in on the Broad Street Cholera Outbreak to assess its significance in shaping Snow’s theory. Finally, in the sixth module, we consider the myths that have developed around Snow, and why these need to be challenged.

John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic

In this module, we look at Snow’s career and contribution to cholera, focusing in particular on: (i) what cholera is, and how it affected England in the 19th century; (ii) Snow’s early theories about cholera and how they were developed in his On the Mode of Communication of Cholera (1849); (iii) Snow’s investigation of the 1854 cholera epidemic, and how this outbreak helped him to develop his theory of cholera; and (iv) the reception of Snow’s theory of cholera and the consequent removal of the Broad Street pump handle.

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Rachman, S. (2022, November 21). Medicine Through Time – John Snow and Cholera, 1813-58 - John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Rachman, S. "Medicine Through Time – John Snow and Cholera, 1813-58 – John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 21 Nov 2022,

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Prof. Stephen Rachman

Michigan State University