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History   >   Ireland – 20th Century, 1912-Present

The Birth of a Nation, 1912-32

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Ireland – 20th Century, 1912-Present

This course explores the making of modern Ireland, beginning in 1912 and ending in the modern day, and is split into five modules. The first module ('Birth of a Nation, 1912-32') looks at the violent period in Irish history between 1912-23 and attempts to stabilise the political and economic situation from 1923-32. The second module ('De Valera's Achievements, 1932-48') looks at the rise of Fianna Fail and their achievements over the next sixteen years - including their neutrality during the Second World War. The third module ('Crisis and Transformation, 1948-66'), explores the social and economic problems of the 1950s, up to the election of Sean Lemass in 1966. The fourth module ('The Modernisation of Ireland, 1966-97') looks at the various social, economic, and constitutional changes during Lemass' premiership and beyond. Finally, the fifth module provides a survey of how much Ireland has changed in the period, as well as outlining the issues that are still concerning Ireland in the 21st century.

The Birth of a Nation, 1912-32

This module explores the 20-year period which sees the creation and consolidation of the Irish Free State. The first half of the period (1912-23) was characterised by considerable political and sectarian violence, with the Easter Rising (1916), the War of Independence (1919-21), and the Irish Civil War (1922-23) taking place in quick succession. It is only in the second half of this period, from 1923, that the newly-created Irish Free State can begin to restore social and economic order, and to build a nation based on nationalist and Catholic principles.

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Girvin, B. (2018, August 15). Ireland – 20th Century, 1912-Present - The Birth of a Nation, 1912-32 [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Girvin, B. "Ireland – 20th Century, 1912-Present – The Birth of a Nation, 1912-32." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,


Prof. Brian Girvin

Prof. Brian Girvin

Glasgow University