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Chemistry   >   Fuels, Hydrocarbons and Organic Reactions - AQA GCSE (8462)

Representing Organic Compounds - 7.1.1

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Fuels, Hydrocarbons and Organic Reactions - AQA GCSE (8462)

In this course, Dr Noha Ziedan (University of Chester) covers various topics in organic chemistry for AQA GCSE (9-1) in Chemistry (8462) for Higher/Foundation Tier. It begins with: (i) an introduction to organic compounds, particularly hydrocarbons, explaining their applications and categorization into aliphatic and aromatic classes (Topic 7.1.1); then (ii) then delving into specific topics, including alkanes and their naming, drawing (Topic 7.1.1); and (iii) their properties and uses (Topic 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4); before (iv) looking at alkenes and their structures, naming (Topic 7.2.1, 7.2.2); (v) alcohols and their naming, drawing (Topic 7.2.3); (vi) stereoisomerism; (vii) the properties and uses of alcohols (Topic 7.2.3); and finally (viii) carboxylic acids, focusing on their functional group, naming, and structural formulas (Topic 7.2.4).

Representing Organic Compounds - 7.1.1

In the first mini-lecture, we introduce the basics of organic chemistry, specifically focusing on hydrocarbons (Topic 7.1.1) for the organic compounds, which contain carbon and are found in living organisms, have diverse applications including as fuels and plastics. Hydrocarbons, the main topic of discussion, can be categorised into aliphatic and aromatic classes. Aliphatic hydrocarbons consist of saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) with single bonds and unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes and alkynes) with double or triple bonds. Naming these compounds involves using prefixes and suffixes. The lecture also covers various representations of organic compounds, such as empirical, molecular, general, structural, and displayed formulas. These concepts provide a foundational understanding of organic chemistry.

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Ziedan, N. (2023, June 28). Fuels, Hydrocarbons and Organic Reactions - AQA GCSE (8462) - Representing Organic Compounds - 7.1.1 [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Ziedan, N. "Fuels, Hydrocarbons and Organic Reactions - AQA GCSE (8462) – Representing Organic Compounds - 7.1.1." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 28 Jun 2023,


Dr Noha Ziedan

Dr Noha Ziedan

Chester University