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History   >   Italy – Fascism, 1911-48

The Social and Political Context of Fascist Italy

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Italy – Fascism, 1911-48

In this course, Professor Guido Bonsaver (University of Oxford) explores Italian Fascism, looking at its origin, ideology, and its end. In the first module, we establish the social and political context of Fascist Italy, looking at Italy’s position and status in Europe during the period when a fascist movement first began to grow under the leadership of Benito Mussolini (1883-1945). In the second module, we turn to focus on Mussolini himself, and his rise to power, tracing his early influences and how these had developed into a violent fascist campaign by 1921. In the third module, we shift to look at fascist ideology and propaganda, considering the core tenets of Italian fascism, before in the fourth module comparing these to the form of fascism established in Germany under the Nazis. In the fifth and final module, we trace Italy’s involvement in the Second World War, ending with the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies and the execution of Mussolini, which signaled the ending of fascism in Italy.

The Social and Political Context of Fascist Italy

In this lecture, we establish the social and political context of Fascist Italy, focusing in particular on: (i) the position and status of Italy during the late-19th century, being an economically underdeveloped country in comparison to the other major European powers; (ii) the growth of nationalist sentiment in early-20th century Italy, and its manifestation in the murder of Umberto I, King of Italy, in 1900, and Italy’s late colonial efforts; (iii) Italy’s involvement in the First World War and dissatisfaction with the provisions outlined by the Treaty of Versailles; and (iv) the emergence of Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) as the ‘Man of Providence’ during this period of vittoria tradita.

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Bonsaver, G. (2023, August 04). Italy – Fascism, 1911-48 - The Social and Political Context of Fascist Italy [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Bonsaver, G. "Italy – Fascism, 1911-48 – The Social and Political Context of Fascist Italy." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 04 Aug 2023,

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Prof.  Guido Bonsaver

Prof. Guido Bonsaver

University of Oxford