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History   >   Cold War – Nixon, Kissinger and the End of the Vietnam War, 1969-75

Nixon and Kissinger

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Cold War – Nixon, Kissinger and the End of the Vietnam War, 1969-75

In this course, Professor Thomas A. Schwartz (Vanderbilt University) discusses Nixon, Kissinger and the end of the war in Vietnam. In the first module, we look at the background of both Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and why and how they formed a political partnership. Then, we explore Nixon and Kissinger's foreign policy priorities and the early administration in the year of 1969. After this, we turn to look at the Cambodian Campaign, domestic protests and Kissinger's dominance in the years of 1970 and 1971. In the fourth module, we look at the policy of triangulation, the election of 1972 and the peace talks in the years of 1971 and 1972. After this, we discuss the Paris Peace Agreement, the Watergate Scandal and the Fall of Saigon from 1972 to 1975. Finally, we look at the end of the war in Vietnam and its consequences.

Nixon and Kissinger

In the first module, we look at the background of both Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and why and how they formed a political partnership. In particular, we will focus on: (i) how Nixon initially sought 'peace with honor' in Vietnam, including a discussion of Nixon's campaign pledge to seek an honourable peace in Vietnam; (ii) the background of Nixon, including his childhood and education, his rise as a politician and his campaign to become US president in 1968; (iii) the background of Henry Kissinger, including his childhood and education, his rise as a academic and his move into politics in the 1960s; and (iv) why Nixon and Kissinger became partners in power however unlikely this might seem.

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Schwartz, T. (2023, August 24). Cold War – Nixon, Kissinger and the End of the Vietnam War, 1969-75 - Nixon and Kissinger [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Schwartz, T. "Cold War – Nixon, Kissinger and the End of the Vietnam War, 1969-75 – Nixon and Kissinger." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 24 Aug 2023,


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Prof. Thomas Schwartz

Vanderbilt University