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History   >   British Empire – The Early British Empire

Why Did Britain Begin Its Expansion Later Than Other European Powers?

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British Empire – The Early British Empire

In this course, we explore the history and evolution of the British Empire from its founding to the late eighteenth century, focusing on: (i) Britain’s late entry into overseas expansion compared to other European powers and its eventual rise to dominance; (ii) the evolution of the English state during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, including the Navigation Acts and the Act of Union; (iii) the impact of mercantilism on state power and overseas conflicts, particularly the strain of continuous warfare with European rivals; (iv) the structure of the British Empire post-Seven Years War, highlighting plantation, settler, and administrative colonies; and (v) the empire’s late eighteenth-century crisis, addressing issues such as taxation, colonial resentment, and the ideological implications of the American Revolution, culminating in significant reforms, including the abolition of the slave trade.

Why Did Britain Begin Its Expansion Later Than Other European Powers?

This lecture examines the history of the British Empire from its founding to the end of the eighteenth century. It discusses: (i) Britain’s late entry into overseas expansion compared to other European powers; (ii) how Britain overcame this late start to become a dominant imperial force; (iii) the crisis the empire faced in the late eighteenth century; (iv) the context of European exploration initiated by Columbus and da Gama; (v) the distinct political identities of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland; and (vi) the public-private partnerships that facilitated imperial expansion, including the role of privateers and joint stock companies like the East India Company.

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Kennedy , D. (2024, October 15). British Empire – The Early British Empire - Why Did Britain Begin Its Expansion Later Than Other European Powers? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Kennedy , D. "British Empire – The Early British Empire – Why Did Britain Begin Its Expansion Later Than Other European Powers?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Oct 2024,

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Prof. Dane Kennedy

George Washington University