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History   >   British Empire — The Drivers of British Imperial Expansion

What were the motivations for English expansion in the 16th Century?

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British Empire — The Drivers of British Imperial Expansion

In this course, we investigate the origins and evolution of the British Empire, focusing on: (i) the foundational motivations for overseas expansion during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, including economic drivers, geopolitical rivalries, and ideological frameworks that framed colonisation as a moral imperative; (ii) the early phases of English overseas expansion in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, examining the significant role of private enterprise, the decline of traditional trade, and the decentralised nature of English colonisation compared to the Spanish model; (iii) the establishment of key colonial regions in America during the seventeenth century, highlighting the distinct governance structures, the role of merchant companies, and the complex relationship between the crown and private interests; (iv) the evolution of colonial policy in the late seventeenth century, addressing direct government interventions, economic motivations linked to staple crops, and the implications of the Navigation Acts; (v) the transition from an English to a British empire in the eighteenth century, emphasising the integration of Scottish involvement, the challenges of managing overseas territories, and the impact of the 1707 Act of Union on British identity and perceptions of empire.

What were the motivations for English expansion in the 16th Century?

In this module, we explore the origins of the British Empire during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, focusing on: (i) the driving forces behind overseas expansion, including economic motivations and the geopolitical rivalry with Spain; (ii) the role of Ireland as an experimental territory for English colonisation strategies, emphasising the ideological and military connections; (iii) the mass migration of approximately 400,000 people from England to transatlantic destinations, primarily America, and its implications; (iv) the ideological framework that framed colonisation as a moral imperative to spread Protestantism and combat Spanish power; (v) the emerging narrative that positioned American colonisation as a solution to social issues in England, fostering a broader interest in overseas ventures and laying the groundwork for future imperial ambitions.

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Glickman, G. (2024, September 30). British Empire — The Drivers of British Imperial Expansion - What were the motivations for English expansion in the 16th Century? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Glickman, G. "British Empire — The Drivers of British Imperial Expansion – What were the motivations for English expansion in the 16th Century?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 30 Sep 2024,

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Prof. Gabriel Glickman

University of Cambridge