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What are some of the myths about the American War of Independence?
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British Empire — The American War of Independence
In this course, we explore the American War of Independence through multiple lenses, focusing on: (i) debunking five myths about the conflict, such as it being solely between Britain and its American colonies, American victory through guerrilla tactics, the assumption that most Americans supported independence, the perception of Britain's invincibility, and the inevitability of American success; (ii) the events leading up to the war, including Britain’s post-Seven Years’ War financial strains, colonial resistance to taxes, pivotal incidents like the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party, and early confrontations such as Lexington and Concord; (iii) the course of the war, covering Washington’s leadership, key battles like Trenton and Saratoga, the significance of French support, and the final peace settlement with the Treaty of Paris; (iv) the internal and external challenges faced by both the Continental Congress and Britain, including financial instability, logistical issues, and strategic missteps and the broader implications of the war, including its impact on international relations, the eventual shift in British imperial focus.
What are some of the myths about the American War of Independence?
In this module, we explore the American War of Independence by deconstructing five common myths, focusing on: (i) the myth that the war was solely between Britain and its American colonies, when it actually involved European powers like France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic; (ii) the myth that American victory was due to frontier skirmishes and guerrilla tactics, whereas it was largely achieved through conventional battles and significant foreign military support; (iii) the myth that most Americans fought for independence, despite the conflict's deep internal divisions with many remaining loyal to Britain or neutral; (iv) the myth that Americans defeated the greatest army of all time, while Britain was actually weakened by its global commitments; (v) the myth that American victory was inevitable, though the outcome was uncertain and Britain had several opportunities to alter the war’s course.
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Chandler, J. (2024, September 04). British Empire — The American War of Independence - What are some of the myths about the American War of Independence? [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Chandler, J. "British Empire — The American War of Independence – What are some of the myths about the American War of Independence?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 04 Sep 2024,