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History   >   British Empire — Canada and the Durham Report

What Was Canada Like in the 1830s?

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British Empire — Canada and the Durham Report

In this course, we investigate the historical foundations and implications of the Rebellions of 1837-1838 in Canada, focusing on: (i) the historical context leading to the rebellions, including the British conquest of New France, responses to the American Revolution, and the division of Canada into Upper and Lower regions; (ii) the roots of discontent in both Lower Canada, driven by French Catholic nationalism and demands for reform, and Upper Canada, where grievances arose against the influential "Family Compact"; (iii) the key events of the rebellions, including the rejection of the 92 Resolutions, rising radicalism, and significant confrontations like the battles of Saint-Denis and Montgomery’s Tavern; (iv) Lord Durham's role following the rebellions, his findings on racial conflict, and his recommendations for the union of Upper and Lower Canada; (v) the emergence of responsible government in British North America, highlighting the shift from revolutionary paths to evolutionary governance, and the growing support for local representation; and (vi) the political test of responsible government, exemplified by the controversial rebellion losses bill, illustrating the complexities of governance in the context of British colonial rule.

What Was Canada Like in the 1830s?

In this lecture, we explore the historical context and key factors leading to the Rebellions of 1837-1838 in Canada, focusing on: (i) the British conquest of New France during the Seven Years' War and its impact on French Catholic communities, solidified by the 1763 Treaty of Paris; (ii) the British response to the American Revolution, leading to policies of accommodation like the 1774 Quebec Act, and the migration of loyalists to British North America; (iii) the division of the region into Upper and Lower Canada, each with distinct cultural and political identities; (iv) the role of ongoing tensions with the United States, especially after the War of 1812, in shaping Canadian colonial policies.

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Dummitt, C. (2024, October 15). British Empire — Canada and the Durham Report - What Was Canada Like in the 1830s? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Dummitt, C. "British Empire — Canada and the Durham Report – What Was Canada Like in the 1830s?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Oct 2024,

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Prof. Christopher Dummitt

Trent University