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History   >   Migration – The British East India Company, 1600-1858

What was the British East India Company?

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Migration – The British East India Company, 1600-1858

In this course, Dr John Mcaleer (University of Southampton) explores the British East India Company. In the first lecture, we think about what the British East India Company was and how it started. In the second lecture, we think about the trading operations of the British East India Company in the 17th century. In the third lecture, we think about the role of the British East India Company in the worldwide textiles trade. Next, we think about the trading relationship between the British East India Company and China. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about the decline and eventual dissolution of the British East India Company.

What was the British East India Company?

In this lecture, we consider what the British East India Company was, focusing in particular on: (i) the history of the British East India Company, starting in 1600 and being dissolved in 1858; (ii) the British East India Company’s presence as a fictional corporate villain in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series; (iii) examples of products and words introduced to Britain via the British East India Company, including pyjamas, tea and bungalows; (iv) the British East India Company’s ability to mint its own currency and command its own army and navy; (v) the British East India Company’s headquarters in Central London, close to Westminster; (vi) David Macpherson’s writing on the power and economic success of the British East India Company.

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Mcaleer, J. (2024, April 22). Migration – The British East India Company, 1600-1858 - What was the British East India Company? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Mcaleer, J. "Migration – The British East India Company, 1600-1858 – What was the British East India Company?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 22 Apr 2024,


Dr John Mcaleer

Dr John Mcaleer

Southampton University