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Classics & Ancient History   >   Cambridge Latin Anthology – Sagae Thessalae

Apuleius, The Golden Ass, and the Story of Thelyphron

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Cambridge Latin Anthology – Sagae Thessalae

In this course, Dr Regine May (University of Leeds) explores the story of Thelyphron in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses (or The Golden Ass). It will be particularly useful for those reading the ‘Sagae Thessalae’ set text for OCR Latin GCSE (J282). In the first lecture, we provide an introduction to Apuleius, The Golden Ass and the story of Thelyphron that appears in Book 2. In the second and third lectures, we think about witchcraft and necromancy in Greek and Roman myth, as well as its depiction in the story of Thelyphron. In the fourth lecture, we focus on the figure of Zatchlas the Egyptian, and consider the extent to which the performance of necromancy in this part of The Golden Ass resembles ‘real’ necromancy as described in (e.g.) the Great Magical Papyrus of Paris (PGM IV). Finally, in the fifth lecture, we go through four passages in the set text, providing commentary of Apuleius’ language and style.

Apuleius, The Golden Ass, and the Story of Thelyphron

In this lecture we provide an introduction to Apuleius (c. 125-90), his Metamorphoses (usually referred to as The Golden Ass), and the story of Thelyphron that appears in Book 2 of The Golden Ass. As we move through the lecture, we consider: (i) the figure of Apuleius himself, his interest in philosophy and natural history, and his trial for witchcraft in c. 158/9; (ii) the basic story of The Golden Ass – the transformation of the main character, Lucius, into a donkey, and his adventures around Greece; and (iii) the story of Thelyphron, which Lucius hears at a dinner party at his aunt’s house.

Cite this Lecture

APA style

May, R. (2023, February 27). Cambridge Latin Anthology – Sagae Thessalae - Apuleius, The Golden Ass, and the Story of Thelyphron [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

May, R. "Cambridge Latin Anthology – Sagae Thessalae – Apuleius, The Golden Ass, and the Story of Thelyphron." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 27 Feb 2023,


Dr Regine May

Dr Regine May

Leeds University