The World of the Hero
The playlist brings together twelve courses on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and Virgil's Aeneid, perfect for those studying the 'World of the Hero' option for OCR A Level Classical Civilization.
What this playlist includes:
65 lectures across 12 courses.
All resources designed and delivered by university academics and researchers.
Courses and Lectures
1. Homer
Dr Emily Hauser
Exeter University
Exeter University
1.1. Orality – 12:56
1.2. Narrative – 08:51
1.3. The Gods – 12:02
1.4. Heroism (Iliad) – 09:20
1.5. War – 07:42
1.6. Nostos – 07:09
1.7. Xenia – 06:26
1.8. Heroism (Odyssey) – 06:26
1.9. Women – 08:43
1.10. Disguise and Recognition – 08:34
1.11. Reception – 13:22
2. Homer: Iliad
Prof. Barbara Graziosi
Princeton University
Princeton University
2.1. The Composition of the Poem – 07:28
2.2. The Rage of Achilles – 09:06
2.3. The Scope of the Iliad – 07:51
2.4. The Life of Hector – 09:40
2.5. The Death of Hector – 08:34
3. Homer: Iliad
Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
3.1. The Homeric Question – 10:13
3.2. Book 9: The Embassy to Achilles – 08:30
3.3. The Homeric Hero – 09:37
3.4. Characterisation – 09:53
3.5. The Gods – 08:39
3.6. Books 23 and 24: The End of the Iliad – 09:22
4. Homer: Iliad: Characterisation
Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
4.1. Character and Characterisation: Achilles and He... – 08:43
4.2. 'Major' and 'Minor' Characters: Thersites and P... – 11:49
4.3. The Achaeans: Antilochus, Odysseus, Ajax, and D... – 11:45
4.4. The Trojans and their Allies: Paris, Priam, Sar... – 09:33
4.5. The Women: Thetis and Helen – 09:08
5. Homer: Odyssey
Prof. Edith Hall
Durham University
Durham University
6. Homer: Odyssey
Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
6.1. The Nature of the Poem – 08:26
6.2. Two Kinds of Odysseus – 07:28
6.3. Society and Morality – 08:58
6.4. Gods, Goddesses and Women – 07:42
6.5. Nausicaa and Penelope – 11:07
7. Homer: Odyssey
Prof. Barbara Graziosi
Princeton University
Princeton University
7.1. The Man of Many Turns – 10:25
7.2. Plot and Structure – 10:56
7.3. Justice and the Gods – 09:14
7.4. Women, Clothes and Monsters – 10:01
7.5. A Journey to the Underworld – 08:50
8. Homer: The Worlds of the Iliad and Odyssey
Dr Elton Barker
Open University
Open University
8.1. The World of the Iliad – 17:25
8.2. The World of the Odyssey – 13:59
9. Homer: Women
Dr Emily Hauser
Exeter University
Exeter University
9.1. Why Women Matter – 09:31
9.2. The World of Women in Homer – 12:04
9.3. Helen in the Iliad – 07:38
9.4. Helen in the Odyssey – 08:08
9.5. Penelope – 09:08
10. Virgil: Aeneid
Prof. Sharon Marshall
Exeter University
Exeter University
10.1. Is the Aeneid a pro- or anti-Augustan poem? – 09:38
10.2. What is the nature of the relationship between ... – 09:57
10.3. How are we to interpret the images on the Shiel... – 10:03
10.4. How important is Aeneas to Rome’s imperial dest... – 10:05
10.5. What is distinctive about Roman epic? – 11:04
11. Virgil: Aeneid
Prof. Llewelyn Morgan
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
12. Virgil: Aeneid
Prof. Richard Jenkyns
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
12.1. Dido and Aeneas: Who's to Blame? – 09:00
12.2. Augustus and the Aeneid – 09:53
12.3. Aeneas and Heroism – 10:23
12.4. Cities in the Aeneid – 08:53
12.5. Book 6: The Underworld – 08:17
12.6. Books 7-8: The Italians – 08:33