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Classics & Ancient History   >   Homer: Odyssey

The Man of Many Turns

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Homer: Odyssey

In this course, Professor Barbara Graziosi (University of Durham) explores Homer's Odyssey. We begin by thinking about the figure of Odysseus himself, focusing in particular on his status as a man 'of many turns' (Greek: polutropos). After that, we provide a brief summary of the plot and structure of the poem, before turning in the third module to the workings of divine justice in the poem. In the fourth module, we think about Odysseus relationship with various women in the poem, focusing in particular on the importance of clothing, as well as the potential dangers of women – especially non-mortal women such as Circe or the Sirens. Finally, in the fifth module, we think about Odysseus' descent into the Underworld, thinking in particular about other literary journeys to the Underworld (Gilgamesh, Aeneas, Dante, etc.).

The Man of Many Turns

In this module, we think about the figure of Odysseus himself, focusing in particular on his status as a man 'of many turns' (Greek: polutropos), his various roles in the poem, and his different transformations – including his transformation into 'nobody' on the island of the Cyclopes.

Cite this Lecture

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Graziosi, B. (2018, August 15). Homer: Odyssey - The Man of Many Turns [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Graziosi, B. "Homer: Odyssey – The Man of Many Turns." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,


Prof. Barbara Graziosi

Prof. Barbara Graziosi

Princeton University