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Course • History • 5 lectures

Britain – Charles II, James II and the Glorious Revolution, 1660-88

Dr David Smith, University of Cambridge
5 Lessons

Britain – Charles II, James II and the Glorious Revolution, 1660-88

Dr David Smith
University of Cambridge

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 4 lectures

Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality

Mr Ben Martin, University of Oxford
4 Lessons
Philosophy & Religious Studies

Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality

Mr Ben Martin
University of Oxford

Course • History • 6 lectures

The USA and Japan, 1941-52

Dr Christopher Harding, Edinburgh University
6 Lessons

The USA and Japan, 1941-52

Dr Christopher Harding
Edinburgh University

Course • English Literature • 16 lectures

Gothic Literature

Dr Elly McCausland, York University
16 Lessons
English Literature

Gothic Literature

Dr Elly McCausland
York University

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 8 lectures

Sartre: Being and Nothingness

Dr Kate Kirkpatrick, University of Oxford
8 Lessons
Philosophy & Religious Studies

Sartre: Being and Nothingness

Dr Kate Kirkpatrick
University of Oxford

Course • History • 6 lectures

The Tudors – Elizabeth I, 1558-1603

Prof. Susan Doran, University of Oxford
6 Lessons

The Tudors – Elizabeth I, 1558-1603

Prof. Susan Doran
University of Oxford

Course • English Literature • 5 lectures

Dickens: A Christmas Carol

Prof. John Bowen, York University
5 Lessons
English Literature

Dickens: A Christmas Carol

Prof. John Bowen
York University

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 6 lectures

Berkeley: Principles of Human Knowledge

Prof. Tom Stoneham, York University
6 Lessons
Philosophy & Religious Studies

Berkeley: Principles of Human Knowledge

Prof. Tom Stoneham
York University

Course • English Literature • 6 lectures

The Poetry of W. B. Yeats

Dr Peter Howarth, QMUL
6 Lessons
English Literature

The Poetry of W. B. Yeats

Dr Peter Howarth

Course • English Literature • 7 lectures

The Poetry of Lord Byron

Prof. Sir Drummond Bone, University of Oxford
7 Lessons
English Literature

The Poetry of Lord Byron

Prof. Sir Drummond Bone
University of Oxford

Course • English Literature • 22 lectures

Love Through the Ages

Prof. John McRae, Nottingham University
22 Lessons
English Literature

Love Through the Ages

Prof. John McRae
Nottingham University

Course • English Literature • 6 lectures

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

Dr Páraic Finnerty, Portsmouth University
6 Lessons
English Literature

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson

Dr Páraic Finnerty
Portsmouth University

Course • History • 5 lectures

The Franks – Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire, 768-814

Prof. Rosamond McKitterick, University of Cambridge
5 Lessons

The Franks – Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire, 768-814

Prof. Rosamond McKitterick
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 7 lectures

Aristophanes: Frogs

Dr Rosie Wyles, Kent University
7 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Aristophanes: Frogs

Dr Rosie Wyles
Kent University

Course • English Literature • 6 lectures

Tennyson: Maud

Prof. Seamus Perry, University of Oxford
6 Lessons
English Literature

Tennyson: Maud

Prof. Seamus Perry
University of Oxford

Course • English Literature • 6 lectures

Robert Browning: My Last Duchess

Mr Clive Wilmer, University of Cambridge
6 Lessons
English Literature

Robert Browning: My Last Duchess

Mr Clive Wilmer
University of Cambridge

Course • English Literature • 5 lectures

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Prof. John Lennard, Independent Scholar
5 Lessons
English Literature

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

Prof. John Lennard
Independent Scholar

Course • History • 5 lectures

Britain – The Reign of Charles I, 1625-49

Dr David Smith, University of Cambridge
5 Lessons

Britain – The Reign of Charles I, 1625-49

Dr David Smith
University of Cambridge

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Lysias: Against Simon

Prof. Edward Harris, Durham University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Lysias: Against Simon

Prof. Edward Harris
Durham University

Course • English Literature • 5 lectures

Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Prof. Nick Groom, Exeter University
5 Lessons
English Literature

Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Prof. Nick Groom
Exeter University

Course • English Literature • 6 lectures

Collins: The Moonstone

Dr Christopher Pittard, Portsmouth University
6 Lessons
English Literature

Collins: The Moonstone

Dr Christopher Pittard
Portsmouth University

Course • Classics & Ancient History • 5 lectures

Homer: Odyssey

Prof. Barbara Graziosi, Princeton University
5 Lessons
Classics & Ancient History

Homer: Odyssey

Prof. Barbara Graziosi
Princeton University

Course • English Literature • 5 lectures

The Poetry of William Wordsworth

Dr Tom Mole, Edinburgh University
5 Lessons
English Literature

The Poetry of William Wordsworth

Dr Tom Mole
Edinburgh University

Course • History • Classics & Ancient History • 7 lectures


Prof. Neville Morley, Exeter University
7 Lessons
History Classics & Ancient History


Prof. Neville Morley
Exeter University

Course • Philosophy & Religious Studies • 5 lectures

Spinoza: Ethics

Prof. Susan James, Birkbeck College, London
5 Lessons
Philosophy & Religious Studies

Spinoza: Ethics

Prof. Susan James
Birkbeck College, London

Course • History • 5 lectures

The Tudors – Henry VIII and the English Reformation, 1509-47

Dr Tracey Sowerby, University of Oxford
5 Lessons

The Tudors – Henry VIII and the English Reformation, 1509-47

Dr Tracey Sowerby
University of Oxford

Course • History • 5 lectures

World War I – The Military Strategies of the Great Powers, 1914-18

Dr Rob Johnson, University of Oxford
5 Lessons

World War I – The Military Strategies of the Great Powers, 1914-18

Dr Rob Johnson
University of Oxford