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Biology   >   Variation and Evolution

Variation and Evolution

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Variation and Evolution

In this course, Dr Agnese Lanzetti (University of Birmingham) discusses several aspects of variation and evolution in biology. We cover: (i) the modern understanding of evolution by natural selection, covering genotype vs phenotype, mutations, and some examples of natural selection and selective breeding; (ii) the history of our understanding of evolution, the emergence of the evolutionary theories of Darwin and Wallace along with some of the opposition to their ideas; (iii) the concept of genetic inheritance and how genes are passed down generations; (iv) evidence of evolution from fossils and the fossil record; (v) evidence of evolution from the modern day such as antibiotic resistance.

Variation and Evolution

In this first mini-lecture, Dr. Anessa Lanzetti (University of Birmingham) begins this course by introducing the modern day understanding of evolution. We cover the concept of organisms having DNA (genotype) that determines their appearance (phenotype); mutations in DNA creating variation, which can be neutral, beneficial, or detrimental; natural selection acting on these mutations, favoring traits that help organisms survive and reproduce including some example; how artificial selection is used to breed specific traits, seen in crops like corn and mustard plants, and domestic animals like dogs.

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Lanzetti, A. (2024, July 16). Variation and Evolution - Variation and Evolution [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Lanzetti, A. "Variation and Evolution – Variation and Evolution." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 Jul 2024,

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Dr Agnese Lanzetti

Dr Agnese Lanzetti

Birmingham University