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Psychology   >   Cognition and Development – Theory of Mind

What Is a Theory of Mind?

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Cognition and Development – Theory of Mind

In this course, Professor Peter Mitchell (University of Nottingham) discusses how we acquire a theory of mind, i.e. the ability to make inferences about the mental states of others. In the first lecture, we explore what we mean by the term ‘theory of mind’ and how it can be measured using a test of false belief. In the second lecture, we discuss two rival theories of how we come to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. In the third lecture, we think about whether a theory of mind is innate or developed over time. Next, we think about how autism can influence our ability to understand the internal states of others. In the fifth lecture, we think about how our ability to understand the internal states of others may be influenced by factors in our social environment. In the sixth and final lecture, explore how the development of a theory of mind varies across different cultures.

What Is a Theory of Mind?

In this lecture, we explore what psychologists mean when they speak of a ‘theory of mind’, focusing in particular on: (i) defining the term as ‘the ability to make inferences about the internal states and beliefs of others’; (ii) some early research on this topic by Premack and Woodruff (1978); (iii) how a test of false belief can be used to measure the development of a theory of mind in children; (iv) why we might consider the development of a theory of mind as a functional or adaptive trait.

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Mitchell, P. (2019, October 11). Cognition and Development – Theory of Mind - What Is a Theory of Mind? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Mitchell, P. "Cognition and Development – Theory of Mind – What Is a Theory of Mind? ." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 11 Oct 2019,

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Prof. Peter Mitchell

Nottingham University