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Philosophy & Religious Studies   >   Themes in Catholic Thought

The Documents of the Second Vatican Council

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Themes in Catholic Thought

In this course, Professor Lewis Ayres (University of Durham) explores some of the major themes in Catholic thought. In the first module, we consider changes in Catholic doctrine following the publication of four documents of the Second Vatican Council. In the second module, we examine the unique relationship between Church authority and theology, and the ecclesial identity of the Church. In the third module, we look at Catholic social thought, including the Church’s views on economics, politics, relationships, the family, and the environment. In the fourth and final module, we examine the nature and significance of the principle of sacramentality in Catholic theology and social teaching.

The Documents of the Second Vatican Council

In this module, we introduce some of the major changes made to Catholic doctrine following the Second Vatican Council, focusing in particular on (i) the expectations and assembly of the Second Vatican Council (ii) The contents of the document, ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ and its liturgical impact (iii) The document ‘Dei Verbum’ and its impact on Christology and the doctrine of revelation (iv) The document ‘Lucem Gentium’ and its impact on Catholic views on the Church (v) the document ‘Gaudium et Spes’ and its effect on Catholic engagement with modernity.

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Ayres, L. (2022, July 11). Themes in Catholic Thought - The Documents of the Second Vatican Council [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Ayres, L. "Themes in Catholic Thought – The Documents of the Second Vatican Council." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 11 Jul 2022,


Prof. Lewis Ayres

Prof. Lewis Ayres

Durham University