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Philosophy & Religious Studies   >   The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church

What is a Sacrament?

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The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church

In this course, Professor Lewis Ayres (Durham University) explores the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. In the first lecture, we introduce the concept of a sacrament and its significance. In the second lecture, we look at baptism. In the third lecture we explore two further important sacraments in Catholic tradition: confirmation and reconciliation. In the fourth lecture, we look at marriage, before turning to Holy Orders in the fifth module. In the sixth module we consider the Eucharist. In the seventh and final module, we discuss the final sacrament: anointing of the sick.

What is a Sacrament?

In this section, we explore the meaning of "sacrament" in Christian theology, highlighting several key points: (i) the historical origins of the term from the Latin sacramentum, originally meaning an oath taken by Roman soldiers; (ii) its use to translate the Greek mysterion, indicating rites that reveal divine truths; (iii) the dual role of sacraments as signs that both point to and make present theological realities; (iv) the early Christian context where many practices were considered sacramental, which later became defined as seven distinct sacraments in Western Catholicism; (v) the typical role of priests in administering sacraments, except in marriage; (vi) the theological significance of sacraments reflecting the goodness of creation and its relationship with God; (vii) how sacraments transform ordinary actions, like marriage and sharing food, into expressions of deeper spiritual meaning; and (viii) the necessity of viewing sacraments as part of a broader understanding of creation's purpose in relation to God.

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Ayres, L. (2024, October 22). The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church - What is a Sacrament? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Ayres, L. "The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church – What is a Sacrament?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 22 Oct 2024,


Prof. Lewis Ayres

Prof. Lewis Ayres

Durham University