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English Literature   >   The Poetry of Sylvia Plath

The Rise of Confessional Poetry

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The Poetry of Sylvia Plath

In this course, we explore the poetry of Sylvia Plath: first, we think about what it means to describe Plath as a writer of Confessional Poetry; after that we look at the themes of motherhood and love in Plath’s poetry; in the third module, we think in more detail about ‘Ariel’ (1965) before focusing in the last module on Plath’s engagement with contemporary politics.

The Rise of Confessional Poetry

In this module, we think about what it means to describe Plath as a writer of Confessional Poetry, focusing in particular on her poem ‘Daddy’ (1962)

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Purkiss, D. (2018, August 15). The Poetry of Sylvia Plath - The Rise of Confessional Poetry [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Purkiss, D. "The Poetry of Sylvia Plath – The Rise of Confessional Poetry." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,


Prof. Diane Purkiss

Prof. Diane Purkiss

University of Oxford