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Economics   >   The Economics of Happiness

Introduction to the Happiness Revolution

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The Economics of Happiness

In this course, Professor Lord Richard Layard (London School of Economics) looks at the economics of happiness. In the first module, we introduce the key ideas of happiness economics and discuss how the happiness revolution has taken shape so far. Then, we look at how we measure happiness and how happiness is distributed both internationally and domestically. After this, we look at how income affects happiness. In the fourth module, we explore the relationship between adolescence, mental health and happiness. Finally, we look at the relationship between the environment, public policy and happiness.

Introduction to the Happiness Revolution

In this module, we introduce the key ideas of happiness economics and discuss how the happiness revolution has taken shape so far. In particular, we will focus on: (i) why happiness is important; (ii) how the science of happiness has made it possible to measure happiness; (iii) why income isn’t everything in economics; and (iv) how priorities have changed over the last 10 years.

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Layard, R. (2022, December 06). The Economics of Happiness - Introduction to the Happiness Revolution [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Layard, R. "The Economics of Happiness – Introduction to the Happiness Revolution." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 06 Dec 2022,


Prof. Lord Richard Layard

Prof. Lord Richard Layard

London School of Economics