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Psychology   >   Research Methods – Qualitative Research and Analysis

Differentiating Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

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Research Methods – Qualitative Research and Analysis

In this course, Dr Grace McCutchan (Cardiff University) explores qualitative research and data analysis. In the first lecture, we think about the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. In the second lecture, we think about sampling methods for psychological research. In the third lecture, we think about methods of conducting qualitative research. Next, we think about some ethical and practical considerations to be made when conducting qualitative research. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about some analysis methods for qualitative data.

Differentiating Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

In this lecture, we think about the differences between quantitative and qualitative research, focusing in particular on: (i) recognising quantitative research as being concerned with numerical data and finding the effects of independent variables on dependent variables; (ii) laboratory experiments as a method of quantitative data collection, which can assess causation by tightly controlling variables; (iii) field experiments as another method, which have looser controls on variables but a realistic setting in which to test hypotheses; (iv) natural experiments which have no control over the independent variable(s); (v) quasi experiments which have participants assigned to conditions by pre-decided variables, rather than randomly; (vi) the collection of survey data for correlational research; (vii) the focus of qualitative research being on depth, specifically relevant to ‘why’ questions; (viii) methods of collecting qualitative data, including interviews, focus groups, observations, diary entries, email responses and open survey questions; (ix) key differences between quantitative and qualitative research with regard to sample sizes and types of analysis; (x) weaknesses of qualitative research, including a lack of representation, challenges with replication and a time consuming collection and analysis process; (xi) weaknesses of quantitative research, including that it is commonly undertaken in non-natural environments; (xii) how to decide which type of research to use, with a primary focus on whether the aim of the study is to gain a breadth or a depth of knowledge; (xiii) the newness of the topic area as another deciding factor, with qualitative research often lending itself to newer topics.

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McCutchan, G. (2024, July 25). Research Methods – Qualitative Research and Analysis - Differentiating Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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McCutchan, G. "Research Methods – Qualitative Research and Analysis – Differentiating Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 25 Jul 2024,


Dr Grace McCutchan

Dr Grace McCutchan

Cardiff University