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Biology   >   Reproduction and DNA

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

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Reproduction and DNA

In this course, Dr Suzanne Madgwick (Newcastle University) we cover how organisms reproduce as well as taking a look at the structure and function of DNA. In the first module we look to define both asexual and sexual reproduction. Following this in the second module we compare these two types of reproduction and look and their advantages and disadvantages. In the third module, we introduce DNA and the history of discovery and analysis of the human genome. In the fourth and final module, we look at the structure of DNA and its role in creating proteins.

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

In this module, Suzanne Madrick, introduces the topic of reproduction, focusing on the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction. We cover: (i) that asexual reproduction involves one parent, producing genetically identical offspring through mitosis, with no genetic variation; (ii) how this method of reproduction is common in small organisms like fungi and bacteria, as well as some plants; (iii) how sexual reproduction involves two parents, with gametes (sex cells) from each parent fusing to create a genetically unique offspring through meiosis, which introduces variation; (iv) how genetic diversity is crucial for the long-term survival of species.

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Madgwick, S. (2024, August 28). Reproduction and DNA - Asexual and Sexual Reproduction [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Madgwick, S. "Reproduction and DNA – Asexual and Sexual Reproduction." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 28 Aug 2024,

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Dr Suzanne Madgwick

Dr Suzanne Madgwick

Newcastle University