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Philosophy & Religious Studies   >   Relationships and Families in Buddhism

Sex and Celibacy in Buddhism

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Relationships and Families in Buddhism

In this course, Professor Alice Collett (University of St. Andrew’s) explores relationships and families in Buddhism. In the first lecture, we explore questions of sex and celibacy in Buddhist tradition and practice. In the second module we are married in Buddhism. In the third module, we discuss the role of family and children, before turning to the issue of gender in the fourth module. In the fifth and final module, we consider the theme of sexuality in Buddhism.

Sex and Celibacy in Buddhism

In this lecture, we explore sex and celibacy in Buddhist tradition, focusing on: (i) the monastic-lay divide, where monks and nuns take vows of celibacy, unlike lay practitioners; (ii) renunciation of sensual pleasures, including sex, as essential for attaining Nirvana; (iii) exceptions, such as married monastics in some traditions, particularly in Japan; (iv) the use of sex in Buddhist Tantra for energy transformation, but only by highly advanced practitioners; (v) Buddhist sexual ethics, based on the principle of non-harm (Ahimsa), which condemns actions causing harm, like sharing intimate images without consent.

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Colllett, A. (2024, October 21). Relationships and Families in Buddhism - Sex and Celibacy in Buddhism [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Colllett, A. "Relationships and Families in Buddhism – Sex and Celibacy in Buddhism." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 21 Oct 2024,

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Prof. Alice Colllett

University of St Andrews