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Mathematics   >   Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier

Introduction to Set Notation – P6

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Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier

In this course, Dr Sunil Chhita (Durham University) continues his exploration of probability, covering topics P6-P9 in the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics (1MA1) Specification for Higher Tier. In the first mini-lecture, we introduce set notation and the intersection and union of sets (Topic P6). In the second mini-lecture, we consider Venn diagrams and how they can be used to visualise sets (Topic P6). In the third mini-lecture, we introduce theoretical probability spaces, also known as sample spaces (Topic P7). In the fourth mini-lecture, we discuss independent and dependent combined events (Topic P8). In the fifth mini-lecture, we introduce conditional probability (Topic P9). In the sixth mini-lecture, we discuss applications of probability in Covid testing (non-examinable enrichment content).

Introduction to Set Notation – P6

In this mini-lecture, we introduce Topic P6 by discussing set notation. In particular, we think about: (i) the bracket notation used to describe a set with the elements placed within the brackets; (ii) the element symbol, ∈, which means ‘element of’ or ‘in’; (iii) the universal set denoted by ξ; (iv) the definitions of the intersection and union of two sets; and (v) creating sets with data from a frequency table.

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APA style

Chhita, S. (2022, October 24). Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier - Introduction to Set Notation – P6 [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Chhita, S. "Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier – Introduction to Set Notation – P6." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 24 Oct 2022,

Image Credits

David Malan, Getty Images


Dr Sunil Chhita

Dr Sunil Chhita

Durham University