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Introduction to Set Notation – P6
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Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier
In this course, Dr Sunil Chhita (Durham University) continues his exploration of probability, covering topics P6-P9 in the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics (1MA1) Specification for Higher Tier. In the first mini-lecture, we introduce set notation and the intersection and union of sets (Topic P6). In the second mini-lecture, we consider Venn diagrams and how they can be used to visualise sets (Topic P6). In the third mini-lecture, we introduce theoretical probability spaces, also known as sample spaces (Topic P7). In the fourth mini-lecture, we discuss independent and dependent combined events (Topic P8). In the fifth mini-lecture, we introduce conditional probability (Topic P9). In the sixth mini-lecture, we discuss applications of probability in Covid testing (non-examinable enrichment content).
Introduction to Set Notation – P6
In this mini-lecture, we introduce Topic P6 by discussing set notation. In particular, we think about: (i) the bracket notation used to describe a set with the elements placed within the brackets; (ii) the element symbol, ∈, which means ‘element of’ or ‘in’; (iii) the universal set denoted by ξ; (iv) the definitions of the intersection and union of two sets; and (v) creating sets with data from a frequency table.
00:00:05My name is Daniel Cheetah.
00:00:06I'm an associate professor at Durham University.
00:00:08This is my second course on property.
00:00:11In this mini lecture,
00:00:14we look at the introduction to set theory.
00:00:16Up until now,
00:00:19we've been writing out our events in longhand.
00:00:21We would like to do this in a much more compact notation.
00:00:23Think, for example, sheet music for musicians or traffic signals on the road
00:00:28in maths, we do this using set theory
00:00:34for sets. We use curly brackets
00:00:37and then inside the curly brackets, we have stuff inside the sense.
00:00:39Let's have a look at some examples.
00:00:45First example is we have a set of elements A, B and C.
00:00:48So this is a set of three elements containing A, B and C.
00:00:53The next set that we've got
00:01:00is a set of numbers
00:01:02from 13 to 6.
00:01:04So we have open brackets.
00:01:06123456 and then close brackets.
00:01:11now sets. We can have anything included in them,
00:01:13for example, colours
00:01:16so we could have a set of colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
00:01:18We use the notation e to represent an element of Oran.
00:01:23So where you see this symbol Just think element of or in.
00:01:29So for example, three e. D. Set one through to six.
00:01:34Just means three is an element of 123456 or three is in 123456.
00:01:38Here we have a e of ABC. So this means that a is in ABC.
00:01:47Another notation that we use is
00:01:58Sai is the universal set.
00:01:59This is the set where all elements are considered.
00:02:02Let's have a look at some more examples on sets
00:02:06so we can look at the set of prime numbers under 30.
00:02:09These are given by 2357, 11 13 17 1923
00:02:21Or the set of letters
00:02:22in the word Masalit.
00:02:24This is M A
00:02:29I t
00:02:30notice that we don't repeat the s. We just include at once an asset.
00:02:32We can also combine sets.
00:02:37There are two ways to do this.
00:02:40One is intersections
00:02:42and we write a upside down cup
00:02:47So what this means is a intersect B,
00:02:49and this identifies the elements that are in a
00:02:53and B
00:02:56the other way that we can combine sets is we can take the union
00:03:00so we write a
00:03:04Cup B
00:03:06so this means a union be
00:03:08so this identifies the elements that are in a or B.
00:03:10Let's have a look at some examples.
00:03:16Let's suppose that we take a to be the set of numbers.
00:03:1913479 and 10
00:03:23and B two b The set of numbers 235 and nine.
00:03:27Then we can find a union. Be
00:03:32remembering that these are the elements that are in a or B.
00:03:35So this is 1234579 and 10
00:03:39because each of the elements in
00:03:44this set here is either in a
00:03:50the R and B.
00:03:51Similarly, we can look at the elements are in a
00:03:53Intersect. Be
00:03:56remembering that these are the elements are in A and B.
00:03:57There are only two here.
00:04:01The number three is in both A and B,
00:04:03and the number nine
00:04:07is also in A and B.
00:04:08We can also look at getting sets from tables.
00:04:11So, for instance, let's suppose we have the following frequency table.
00:04:15So we have one person that owns a cat and a dog.
00:04:20We have two people that owns a cat and no dog.
00:04:22We have four people that own
00:04:26no cat but own a dog.
00:04:28And we have three people
00:04:30that own no cat
00:04:31and they own no dog.
00:04:33So we'll label d. I s to be the person that owns a dog and no cat
00:04:36see eye to be the person that owns a cat and no dog.
00:04:42The B I is to be people that own both a dog and a cat
00:04:45and then I to be people that do not own a cat or a dog.
00:04:48Now we can record
00:04:53these people,
00:04:54so we've got to be one person because
00:04:56this is a person that owns both a cat and a dog.
00:04:58We've got two people that just only cut and no dogs. So we've got C one and C two.
00:05:01Then we've got four people that own dogs and the cats. So we've got the one up to D four
00:05:07and then we got three people that own
00:05:14no dog and no cap. So we've got n one up to N. Three
00:05:17here. The subscript is just used as labelling to identify different people
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Chhita, S. (2022, October 24). Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier - Introduction to Set Notation – P6 [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Chhita, S. "Probability II – Edexcel GCSE (1MA1): Higher Tier – Introduction to Set Notation – P6." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 24 Oct 2022,
Image Credits
David Malan, Getty Images