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Classics & Ancient History   >   Pliny: Regulus

Regulus the Legacy-Hunter

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Pliny: Regulus

In this course, Dr Chris Whitton (University of Cambridge) explores the story of Regulus found in Pliny’s Epistles that forms one of the prose set texts for OCR GCSE Latin (J282). In the first module, we provide some of the social, cultural and historical context for the story of Regulus – particularly the concept of ‘legacy-hunting’ (Latin: captatio) – before turning in the second module to think about Pliny’s letters more broadly as a work of literature. In short final section, we provide some suggestions for further reading, including a translation, commentary and two works of secondary literature.

Regulus the Legacy-Hunter

In this module, we provide some of the cultural and historical context for the story of Regulus, focusing in particular on: (i) the contents of the letter itself (Ep. 2.20); (ii) the concept of ‘legacy-hunting’ (Latin: captatio) and why it was such ‘big business’ in Rome; and (iii) the figure of Regulus himself.

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Whitton, C. (2021, February 16). Pliny: Regulus - Regulus the Legacy-Hunter [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Whitton, C. "Pliny: Regulus – Regulus the Legacy-Hunter." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 Feb 2021,


Prof. Christopher Whitton

Prof. Christopher Whitton

University of Cambridge