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Economics   >   Micro – Competition Policy, Public Ownership and Regulation

Competition Policy

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Micro – Competition Policy, Public Ownership and Regulation

In this course, Professor Michael Waterson (University of Warwick) discusses Competition Policy, Public Ownership and Regulation. In the first module, we look at what competition policy is in more detail. After this, we look at how competition policy functions in the real world. In the third module, we explore the topic of natural monopolies, public ownership and regulation. Then, we look at the issues of deregulation in more detail. In the penultimate module, we explore the differences between competition "in" the market and competition "for" the market. Finally, we look at whether deregulation has gone too far in the UK.

Competition Policy

In this module, we look at what competition policy is in more detail. In particular, we focus on: (i) why competition policy is important, including a review of the economic theory; (ii) why monopolised industries can represent a serious problem for an economy; (iii) what we can do about monopoly; and (iv) who competition policy is aimed at.

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Waterson, M. (2023, March 13). Micro – Competition Policy, Public Ownership and Regulation - Competition Policy [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Waterson, M. "Micro – Competition Policy, Public Ownership and Regulation – Competition Policy." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 13 Mar 2023,


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Prof. Michael Waterson

Warwick University