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Sociology   >   Media Representations

What is Representation?

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Media Representations

In this course, Dr Frazer Heritage (Manchester Metropolitan University) explores representation in the media. In the first lecture, we think about what representation is in the context of the media. In the second lecture, we think about how types of media act as different communicative modes. In the third lecture, we think about how representation is investigated in the media. Next, we think about different analytical lenses which can be applied to analyses of media representation. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about how we can research representation and what our results might mean.

What is Representation?

In this lecture, we think about what representation is, focusing in particular on: (i) understanding semiosis to meaning the designation of signs to concepts, to disambiguate their meaning; (ii) nationality, gender and age as examples of concepts which might employ semiosis; (iii) potentially ambiguous social constructs associated with nationhood, including cultural practices and geographic location of birth; (iv) the Union Jack flag and its representation of both the geographic United Kingdom and associated cultures and people as an example of semiosis; (v) gender as an example of where stereotypical features associated with gender and sex don’t necessarily represent the reality of someone’s gender identity; (vi) a communicative mode being any way in which meaning can be conveyed; (vii) passive and active subject agency as an example of representation in grammar; (viii) make-up as an example of gendered social actor associations, despite not being exclusively gendered.

Cite this Lecture

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Heritage, F. (2023, July 14). Media Representations - What is Representation? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Heritage, F. "Media Representations – What is Representation?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 14 Jul 2023,


Dr Frazer Heritage

Dr Frazer Heritage

Manchester Metropolitan University