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Mathematics   >   Introduction to Tiling Theory

What is Tiling Theory?

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Introduction to Tiling Theory

In this course, Professor Colin Adams (Williams College) explores tiling theory. In the first mini-lecture, we think about tilings found in everyday life and give the mathematical definition of a tiling. In the second mini-lecture, we learn how to generate complex monohedral tiles and think about tiling symmetries. In the third mini-lecture, we discuss the number of possible tiling patterns that can be made with differently shaped prototiles and then introduce random tilings. In the fourth mini-lecture, we explore uniform tilings and coronas. In the fifth mini-lecture, we discuss applications of aperiodic tilings to quasicrystals.

What is Tiling Theory?

In this mini-lecture, we explore tilings found in everyday life and give the mathematical definition of a tiling. In particular, we think about: (i) traditional Islamic tilings; (ii) floor, wallpaper, pavement, and architectural tilings; (iii) the three regular tilings using either equilateral triangles, squares, or regular hexagons; (iv) a variety of tilings using strange and complicated tiles; (v) the Voderberg tile; (vi) properties we do not want in a tiling: disconnected tiles, holes, cut points, whiskers, tiles connected by whiskers, or an infinite tile; (vi) properties we do want in a tiling: deformable (topologically equivalent) to a disk, and covers the entire plane without the interiors of tiles intersecting (called a ‘packing’); (vii) the definition of a protoset and the definition of a tiling using a protoset; (viii) monohedral tilings, which are tilings with just one prototile; (ix) trihedral tilings, which are tilings with three prototiles; and (x) vertices and edges in tiling.

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Adams, C. (2022, November 08). Introduction to Tiling Theory - What is Tiling Theory? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Adams, C. "Introduction to Tiling Theory – What is Tiling Theory?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 08 Nov 2022,


Prof. Colin Adams

Prof. Colin Adams

Williams College