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English Language   >   Genre in Literature – The Female Gothic


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Genre in Literature – The Female Gothic

In this course, Dr Neil Cocks (University of Reading) explores literary genre, through a close analysis of the female gothic. In the first module, we introduce genre. In the second module, we consider plot and genre. In the third module, we look at motifs and genre, before turning to critical reception of genre in the fourth module. In the fifth module, we look for aspects of genre through close textual analysis. In the sixth module, we think about colonialism in relation to genre. In the seventh and final module, we explore atypical aspects of genre.


In this module, we introduce genre, focusing in particular on (i) types of genre (ii) elements of genre (iii) importance of genre (iv) the female gothic (v) texts for further discussion.

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Cocks, N. (2024, May 29). Genre in Literature – The Female Gothic - Genre [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Cocks, N. "Genre in Literature – The Female Gothic – Genre." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 29 May 2024,


Dr Neil Cocks

Dr Neil Cocks

Reading University