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Biology   >   Genetic Modification – Edexcel GCSE (1SC0): Combined Science (Foundation Tier)

Selective Breeding – 4.8, 4.9B, 4.14

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Genetic Modification – Edexcel GCSE (1SC0): Combined Science (Foundation Tier)

In this course, Dr Matt Ivory (Cardiff University) covers genetic modification, including topics 4.8, 4.9B, 4.10, 4.12-4.14 and 4.13B in the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Biology (9-1) for Combined Science (Foundation Tier). We begin (i) with our first example of genetic modification, selective breeding, where we go through some key examples of selective breeding, its uses and some potentially negative consequences of this form of genetic modification; we then (ii) move onto how humans directly genetically modify the genomes of various organisms using methodologies in a lab, why we may want to do this, as well as the ethical implications of altering an organism's genome.

Selective Breeding – 4.8, 4.9B, 4.14

In this first mini-lecture, we introduce genetic modification by discussing selective breeding. We first define what selective breeding is, and some reasons as to why we may want to selectively breed to amplify certain traits and characteristics, as well as some of the negative consequences of this. We then finish with how we can use selective breeding in a laboratory setting, culturing both animal and plant cells for medical research.

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Ivory, M. (2023, August 03). Genetic Modification – Edexcel GCSE (1SC0): Combined Science (Foundation Tier) - Selective Breeding – 4.8, 4.9B, 4.14 [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Ivory, M. "Genetic Modification – Edexcel GCSE (1SC0): Combined Science (Foundation Tier) – Selective Breeding – 4.8, 4.9B, 4.14." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 03 Aug 2023,

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Dr Matthew Ivory

Dr Matthew Ivory

Cardiff University