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Sociology   >   Crime Statistics

Introduction: Measuring Crime

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Crime Statistics

In this course, Dr Stephanie Fohring (Northumbria University) provides an introduction to crime statistics. In the first lecture, we think about the subjective nature of crime, and the strengths and limitations of quantitative data (e.g. crime statistics) and qualitative data (e.g. in-depth interviews), respectively. In the second lecture, we think about some of the sources of crime statistics in the UK, particularly police-recorded crime statistics and crime and victimisation surveys. In the third lecture, we consider why there is such a big difference in these two sources of crime statistics – the so-called 'dark figure of crime'. Next, we think about why sexual offences have such so reporting and recording rates. In the fifth and final lecture, we consider how ethnicity affects experiences of crime and criminal justice.

Introduction: Measuring Crime

In this lecture, we provide an introduction to crime statistics, focusing in particular on: (i) the fact that 'crime' is a subjective category, e.g. some actions and behaviours that used to be considered crimes are now not, and vice versa; (ii) the fact that that the definitions of crimes can change over time; and (iii) the importance of combining quantitative research (e.g. crime statistics) with qualitative research (e.g. in-depth interviews) in order to get the full picture.

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Fohring, S. (2021, August 23). Crime Statistics - Introduction: Measuring Crime [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Fohring, S. "Crime Statistics – Introduction: Measuring Crime." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 23 Aug 2021,

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Dr Stephanie Fohring

Dr Stephanie Fohring

Northumbria University