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Physical Education   >   Consequences of Inactivity

What does being sedentary mean?

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Consequences of Inactivity

In this course, Dr Emma Solomon-Moore (University of Bath) explores the consequences of inactivity. In the first lecture, we think about what classifies sedentary behaviour. In the second lecture, we think about the benefits of being physically active and the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. In the third lecture, we think about those impacts for children and older adults. Next, we think about interpreting data related to physical activity and health impacts. In the fifth and final lecture, we think about how obesity links to physical activity. Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

What does being sedentary mean?

In this lecture, we think about what classifies as sedentary behaviour, focusing in particular on: (i) understanding physical activity to be energy expenditure through the movement of skeletal muscles; (ii) defining exercise as physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive and has the goal of improving fitness; (iii) defining sport as organised physical activity requiring skill and involving competition; (iv) understanding sedentary behaviour as time spent awake but expending very little energy; (v) recognising the UK health guidelines to be 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week; (vi) differentiating between moderate and vigorous intensity exercise; (vii) additional government guidelines around strength and balance specific activities; (viii) guidelines for children aged 5-18, which recommend an average of 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day; (ix) guidelines for children aged 0-5, which recommend 180 minutes of movement per day; (x) understanding physical fitness to be a state in which someone is able to perform daily activities, their work, as well as sport and exercise; (xi) the applicability of an understanding of health beyond physical, to social and emotional too.

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Solomon-Moore, E. (2024, September 18). Consequences of Inactivity - What does being sedentary mean? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Solomon-Moore, E. "Consequences of Inactivity – What does being sedentary mean?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 11 Nov 2024,


Dr Emma Solomon-Moore

Dr Emma Solomon-Moore

Bath University