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Geography   >   Coasts

Coastal Erosion

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In this course, Dr Chris Spencer covers Coastal Geography. In the first module, we look at how the coast is erode and some of the biological and mechanical mechanisms involved in this erosion. In the second module, we focus on waves, their structure and how they interact with the coast to create typical erosional landforms. In the third lecture, we continue looking at coastal landforms but focus on ones created by sediment deposition. In the fourth module we focus on coastal evolution, how the coast has changed over time due to natural and human events, as well as how the coast may change in the future due to climate change. In the fifth and final module, we look at some of the strategies and technologies humans have used to manage and protect various parts of the British coast.

Coastal Erosion

In this first module, we look at how the coast is eroded. We cover: (i) the coast as a variable zone influenced by waves, tides, and weathering processes; (ii) various types of weathering, including hydraulic action, abrasion, solution, and attrition; (iii) alternative types of weathering including biological and chemical; (iv) mass movement processes (rock fall, slumping, sliding) and transportation methods of the resulting sediment from erosion.

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Spencer, C. (2024, June 26). Coasts - Coastal Erosion [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Spencer, C. "Coasts – Coastal Erosion." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 26 Jun 2024,

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Dr Chris Spencer

University of the West of England