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Biology   >   Cell Division and Stem Cells

Cell Division

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Cell Division and Stem Cells

In this course, Dr Suzanne Madgwick explores how cells divide as well as the rise of stem cells in modern medicine. In the first module we introduce the cell cycle and the importance of DNA in cell replication. In the second module we highlight the importance of cell replication for the growth of an organism but also how cell differentiation and specialisation allows for the formation of complex organisms. In the third module we introduce stem cells, what they are, their history and their potential for future disease management. In the fourth module we look at some of the ethically challenges and questions to use of stem cells raises, as well as why some groups oppose the use of certain types of stem cells. In the fifth and final module we look at one type of cell division, meiosis, and its role in developing gametes.

Cell Division

In this mini-lecture, we discuss the cell cycle and the process of cell division, focusing on mitosis. We cover: (i) mitosis as a crucial for growth, development, and repair in multicellular organisms, ensuring that new cells have identical genetic information to their parent cells; (ii) chromosomes, which are DNA packaged with proteins, play a key role in this process; (iii) the stages of the cell cycle, how mitosis occurs, and the importance of accurate DNA replication; (iv) the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction, emphasizing that asexual reproduction through mitosis produces genetically identical offspring; (v) how the process of mitosis is vital for replacing worn-out cells and maintaining healthy tissues, with the rate of cell division varying by age and cell type.

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Madgwick, S. (2024, August 28). Cell Division and Stem Cells - Cell Division [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Madgwick, S. "Cell Division and Stem Cells – Cell Division." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 28 Aug 2024,

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Dr Suzanne Madgwick

Dr Suzanne Madgwick

Newcastle University