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Atoms and the Periodic Table
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Building Blocks of the Universe
In this course, Professor David Berman (Queen Mary University of London) explores what the building blocks of the Universe are, that is, the elementary particles that make up everything in the world around us. In the first mini-lecture, we discuss the periodic table and how it is organised, various models of the atom, and nuclear fission and fusion. In the second mini-lecture, we introduce the antiparticle and clarify the units of charge and mass used in particle physics. In the third mini-lecture we discuss the Standard Model, in particular we look at quarks, leptons, and neutrinos. In the fourth mini-lecture, we turn towards particle physics experiments, including those done in the early days of particle physics as well as the more modern experiments, CERN and SuperK. The fifth mini-lecture delves into the experimental evidence for dark matter and dark energy, concluding with a look into String Theory, which provides a new approach to understanding the fundamental building blocks in nature: one-dimensional strings instead of point-like particles.
Atoms and the Periodic Table
In this mini-lecture, with a look at the periodic table and it’s elements, as well as various models of the atom. As we move through this mini-lecture we discuss: (i) the Plum Pudding Model and the Nuclear Model of the atom, where through the Geiger and Marsden experiment we see that the Nuclear Model is the accurate model; (ii) the nucleus of an atom, which is made up of protons and neutrons; (iii) how the periodic table is organised and labeled; (iv) the importance of nucleons in keeping the nucleus intact through the nuclear force; (v) nuclear binding energy; and (vi) finally, nuclear fission and fusion.
00:00:06I'm Professor David Berman
00:00:08from Queen Mary University of London,
00:00:09and I'm going to talk to you
00:00:12about the building blocks of the universe.
00:00:14What are the building blocks?
00:00:16What makes up this incredibly complex universe around us?
00:00:18And also,
00:00:22how do we discover what these building blocks are?
00:00:23So it's a complex world with many different things that make up a whole load of
00:00:27different materials that surround us the air that you breathe the wood of a table,
00:00:32the metal that conducts electrons through wires that drive your computer.
00:00:37These are all very different things.
00:00:43And yet
00:00:45we have the question.
00:00:46How many fundamental building blocks do we need
00:00:48to make all of this things up together?
00:00:55what's the answer to that?
00:00:56Is dependent upon how small you want to look.
00:00:58How small should your fundamental building blocks? B.
00:01:02The idea goes all the way back to the Greeks,
00:01:06who had this notion that there were elementary
00:01:08things that built up everything around them.
00:01:11For the Greeks,
00:01:15this was just some simple notions of earth, wind, fire and water.
00:01:16But modern science
00:01:20found a way of determining what these building blocks really were.
00:01:27let's look at the periodic table.
00:01:28The periodic table
00:01:33a table which organises together
00:01:34different so called elements,
00:01:37and the elements distinguish themselves
00:01:39by having different chemical properties.
00:01:42They would react with each other in different ways,
00:01:47each one of these would have a different mass.
00:01:52what people discovered
00:01:53is that you could organise all these different elements together
00:01:54into periods and groups
00:02:00various elements would share similar chemical properties.
00:02:01And also there was a very clear way in
00:02:06which elements will get more heavier and heavier.
00:02:09As you went up the table.
00:02:12One question remained, though,
00:02:15which is
00:02:17why this table, why this structure
00:02:19was there something deeper that made up these different elements
00:02:23with their different chemical properties
00:02:27That could explain
00:02:29the structure of the periodic table.
00:02:31To understand
00:02:35what makes the different elements in the periodic table different,
00:02:36we have to understand
00:02:40the idea of the atom.
00:02:42J. J. Thompson
00:02:46that an atom
00:02:47was made up
00:02:49of both positive
00:02:50and electrically charged objects,
00:02:52so in fact,
00:02:54those elements
00:02:56were not elementary at all,
00:02:57but made up
00:02:59of a combination
00:03:00of positive and negative charges.
00:03:02What followed next
00:03:06was an attempt to understand how
00:03:07those positive and negative charges organised themselves
00:03:10inside each one of those elements.
00:03:14The first thing is,
00:03:18let's give some things names,
00:03:22called the negatively charged particle. He discovered
00:03:23the electron,
00:03:26and then we had
00:03:28some positive charges,
00:03:30and we'll come to what are called later.
00:03:31There were two different ideas
00:03:35about what made up the atom
00:03:37about how those positive and negative charges
00:03:39were distributed.
00:03:42One of them, called the plum Pudding model um,
00:03:43plum pudding is more popular Back then,
00:03:47was that the electric and positive charges were just evenly distributed,
00:03:49much like plums inside of pudding
00:03:58something which became known as the nuclear model
00:03:59that where you'd have
00:04:02a central nucleus,
00:04:03much like a son
00:04:05with the negatively charged objects orbiting around it like the planet
00:04:06that was called the nuclear model.
00:04:11And with these two competing ideas,
00:04:14it came down to experiment, to work out how you could tell them apart.
00:04:17This experiment
00:04:22was done in Manchester
00:04:23by Geiger and Marsden,
00:04:25and what they did
00:04:27was to take gold leaf,
00:04:29which they could make super incredibly thin,
00:04:31so that it was basically one atom thick
00:04:34and then
00:04:39a particle off it called alpha particle
00:04:40and then, through its scattering,
00:04:43work out whether the plum pudding model
00:04:46or the nuclear model
00:04:49was the reflection of reality.
00:04:52Was it
00:04:54the positive charges
00:04:55in the middle? And then they give charges on the outside?
00:04:57Or were the charges just evenly spread?
00:05:00You can see from this diagram
00:05:06that when we look at when we scatter things
00:05:08from an atom,
00:05:11we can see
00:05:12that they scatter very differently, depending on the model
00:05:14in the plum pudding model. Because everything is evenly distributed,
00:05:17then the charges sort of go through
00:05:21and slightly deflect.
00:05:26if we have the positive charge is
00:05:27centralised in the middle,
00:05:29then when those other positive charged particles scatter,
00:05:31if it hits that middle bit, then they scattered very strongly.
00:05:37If it doesn't hit the middle bit, they don't scatter at all.
00:05:41That gives a very different scattering process
00:05:44that was measured
00:05:48and people determined.
00:05:49It was, in fact,
00:05:50the nuclear model of the atom
00:05:52that were so familiar with now
00:05:54of a nucleus in the middle that's positively charged
00:05:56and negatively charged electrons orbiting it.
00:05:59That was the atom,
00:06:03and we saw that we had this nucleus,
00:06:05this positively charged object in the middle.
00:06:07But that nucleus
00:06:11is itself made up
00:06:12of two sorts of elementary particle,
00:06:14the proton,
00:06:17which is positively charged
00:06:18and in fact
00:06:20its charge is equal and opposite
00:06:22of that. The electron
00:06:24and the neutron,
00:06:26which is neutral,
00:06:28carries no charge.
00:06:29Both the proton
00:06:32and the neutron
00:06:33are much heavily in the electron.
00:06:34In fact, one proton
00:06:37is almost 2000 times
00:06:38the mass of an electron,
00:06:40so most of the mass
00:06:42of our atoms
00:06:44comes from the nucleus.
00:06:47let's go back to the periodic table
00:06:48and see
00:06:51if knowing something about atomic structure
00:06:52can tell us about how those elements are organised.
00:06:55First of all,
00:07:00all the atoms
00:07:01are neutrally charged,
00:07:02which means
00:07:04there is the same number of protons and electrons.
00:07:05The electrons
00:07:09will organise, how things chemically bind and combined
00:07:11and determine the reactive properties of the element.
00:07:15So because the number of protons
00:07:19is the same as the number of electrons,
00:07:21in fact,
00:07:24the periodic table's organised by the number of protons
00:07:25that are live in the nucleus,
00:07:30which is called the atomic number.
00:07:32Hydrogen has one proton in the middle.
00:07:35Iron has 56 protons in the middle.
00:07:38But let's not forget the neutrons,
00:07:41the neutrons will actually make up almost half of the mass
00:07:44of the atom.
00:07:48But in fact,
00:07:50a given atom can have a different number of neutrons.
00:07:51And that's what different isotopes are
00:07:55different isotopes
00:07:58as something
00:07:59with the same number of protons
00:08:00but different numbers of neutrons.
00:08:02Let's look at our periodic table
00:08:06and let's just look at some of the notation
00:08:08that we have.
00:08:10So the letter
00:08:12is the name of the element
00:08:13and then
00:08:15the superscript.
00:08:16In this example, 12 for carbon is the number of protons and neutrons added together
00:08:18and then six. The subscript is the atomic number,
00:08:24the number of protons.
00:08:27And as you can see,
00:08:30the periodic table goes up in atomic number.
00:08:31And then you can look at the mass
00:08:36and then you'll see
00:08:39that those masses
00:08:40is roughly the average mass is found in
00:08:41nature of the different isotopes of that element.
00:08:44Why are the neutrons there?
00:08:47What do they do?
00:08:50The protons, which are all in the nucleus,
00:08:52have the same charge.
00:08:54They would electro magnetically repel each other.
00:08:57What holds them there?
00:09:01If you just rely on the electromagnetic force,
00:09:03they certainly shouldn't be able to stay together,
00:09:05What the neutrons do
00:09:09is that they bind
00:09:11with the protons
00:09:12and each other
00:09:14using what is known
00:09:16as the nuclear force.
00:09:17The nuclear force
00:09:20is thousands of times stronger than the electromagnetic force,
00:09:22but actually only acts on very short distances
00:09:26roughly the scale of the nucleus.
00:09:30Which is why we've never seen it
00:09:32outside of a nucleus.
00:09:33So what they do
00:09:36the neutrons
00:09:38is there needed in an atom
00:09:39to bind together the protons
00:09:41and overcome the electromagnetic repulsion
00:09:43and keep the nuclear stable?
00:09:46If you only have a few neutrons,
00:09:49the strong nuclear force
00:09:51isn't big enough
00:09:52to keep the protons together.
00:09:54We always need
00:09:56enough neutrons
00:09:57to keep
00:09:59the atom stable.
00:10:00What people do
00:10:02is plot
00:10:04the binding energy
00:10:06of the nucleus,
00:10:07and here we have a plot.
00:10:10What it tells us
00:10:13is that given
00:10:15a number of nuclear arms in the nucleus,
00:10:18that means the neutrons and protons together
00:10:20how much binding energy there is.
00:10:23The more binding energy,
00:10:26the more strongly bound the nucleus is,
00:10:28the less binding energy.
00:10:33the less
00:10:33and it's got this very peculiar shape.
00:10:36It goes up very, very sharply
00:10:39from hydrogen
00:10:41and then curves around
00:10:43until it reaches iron
00:10:45and then starts to go down again
00:10:47until you go all the way up
00:10:50to uranium
00:10:52and the radioactive elements,
00:10:54which are actually further down than the more stable iron.
00:10:56With the nuclear binding energy curve,
00:11:01we can describe why and how we get energy
00:11:03from nuclear fission,
00:11:08a nuclear fusion
00:11:09by the splitting
00:11:11or bringing together
00:11:14Let's first look at nuclear fission,
00:11:16where we break apart and nucleus.
00:11:18Let's look on the curve
00:11:22that uranium 235.
00:11:24When we break it apart, we will climb the curve.
00:11:25And that difference
00:11:29between where we have 235 nucleons or something like 120
00:11:31well, give us a difference in energy
00:11:37and that binding energy
00:11:40then gets released
00:11:43energy through radiation and heat.
00:11:44That's the thing which powers nuclear reactors, makes nuclear bombs.
00:11:47We also have
00:11:51another way.
00:11:53If we go all the way down to hydrogen
00:11:54and then go
00:11:59along the curve
00:12:00to hire elements like helium,
00:12:02then what we'll see is that again
00:12:05we get a release of binding energy,
00:12:08and that binding energy
00:12:12is what powers the sun.
00:12:14The amazing thing is, from this curve,
00:12:17you can see why fusion is so much more powerful than fishing.
00:12:19When we went from uranium all the way down
00:12:23to some lower elements,
00:12:27we gain quite a bit of binding energy.
00:12:29But just that huge jump
00:12:31from the binding energy of hydrogen to helium
00:12:33is enormous.
00:12:36And that's why many people believe
00:12:38fusion is the future
00:12:40for power.
00:12:42So far,
00:12:44we've seen
00:12:45that all of the material world
00:12:47is built
00:12:49from simple building blocks,
00:12:50the elements
00:12:52and then
00:12:54inside the elements,
00:12:55explaining the periodic table,
00:12:56the atoms
00:12:59and the atoms, protons,
00:13:02and electrons.
00:13:03We've learned
00:13:05what makes them up, how they're organised.
00:13:06And then
00:13:09what binds the nucleus
00:13:10of the atom together? What binds the protons and neutrons
00:13:13and finally,
00:13:17that there's a binding curve of energy
00:13:18and that gives rise to fission
00:13:21and fusion.
00:13:23Now we're going to learn
00:13:26and see
00:13:28if there's anything more
00:13:30than protons, neutrons and electrons.
00:13:31After all, they make up so much the world around us.
00:13:33But what more have we found?
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Berman, D. (2022, January 12). Building Blocks of the Universe - Atoms and the Periodic Table [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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Berman, D. "Building Blocks of the Universe – Atoms and the Periodic Table." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 12 Jan 2022,