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Love at First Sight (5.22-23)
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Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche (5.21-27)
In this course, Dr Regine May (University of Leeds) explores a section of the story of Cupid and Psyche from Apuleius’ Metamorphoses (5.21-27). In the first lecture, we explore the moment in the story where Psyche first lays eyes on Cupid – and immediately falls in love. In the second lecture, we think about two potential readings of the tale – first as a fairy tale and then as an allegory for the nature of the soul (Greek: psyche) – before turning in the third lecture to consider the appearance of contemporary Roman law in what is ostensibly a story set in the (Greek) mythological past. Finally, in the fourth lecture, we perform a close reading of one chapter in the story – 5.21 – looking more closely at Apuleius’ literary style.
Love at First Sight (5.22-23)
In this lecture we look at the moment in the story where Psyche sees Cupid for the first time – and immediately falls in love with him. As we move through the lecture, we consider: (i) the personification of the lamp that Psyche is holding; and (ii) ancient beliefs about optics/sight.
Hi. I'm doctor Regina May.
00:00:06I am an associate professor of Latin language and literature in Leeds.
00:00:08My specialty is working on Apuleius.
00:00:12My last two books were on Apuleius'
00:00:15Cupid in Psyche and its reception as it as in how
00:00:16people have been reading Cupid in Psyche since it was written
00:00:20up to novels that that are written as we speak.
00:00:25So it's a really interesting subject.
00:00:29So in this course,
00:00:32we're going to look at some themes in your said passage
00:00:34ending with a close reading of parts of five twenty one.
00:00:37If you want a broader introduction to Apuleius'
00:00:41life and career and how the story of Cupid and Psyche fits
00:00:43into the rest of his novel called Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass,
00:00:47there is a link below this video to take you to a course on this.
00:00:51But generally, general advice, read the whole text in English,
00:00:55not only your set chapters.
00:01:00Everything makes more sense that way,
00:01:02and you can draw parallels with the passage you study as well.
00:01:04You're gonna start with the idea of love at first sight in
00:01:08five twenty two and twenty three.
00:01:12Finally, Psyche sees her husband.
00:01:14She has broken this taboo,
00:01:18and we as readers as well as Psyche's sisters have guessed
00:01:20for a while that her husband must be Cupid.
00:01:23But now she finally sees him,
00:01:26and he looks like we imagine him and have seen on many
00:01:28Valentine's cards or ancient art.
00:01:31So he's a beautiful young man with feathery wings,
00:01:34blonde curls, and rosy cheeks, smooth all over.
00:01:37His usual weapons, bow and arrow,
00:01:41are not on him but at the foot end of the bed.
00:01:44He's asleep and helpless.
00:01:48Seeing him is so powerful that Psyche cannot resist and begins to kiss him.
00:01:50Cupid's attractiveness as the god of love is so strong that
00:01:55even that lamp that Psyche was carrying becomes personified,
00:01:59wants to either kiss him as well,
00:02:03which shows the power over nature and everything in the
00:02:05world that, that, Cupid has that Venus also
00:02:09some sometimes shows.
00:02:14All because the lamp is just jealous.
00:02:16But both these are very human emotions.
00:02:18That makes this scene a little funny and a little strange,
00:02:21but also points out how important that moment is
00:02:25and how attracted these two are to each other.
00:02:28Note that it's only when Saiki actually sees Cupid that she,
00:02:32falls in love and when she pricks herself with Cupid's
00:02:38arrow when Apuleius writes that she
00:02:40fell in love with love.
00:02:44It's not when they first met.
00:02:46It's not when they were together for months and she
00:02:49becomes pregnant.
00:02:52It is seeing which does the job.
00:02:53In ancient thought, we can see things because little images,
00:02:56of these things hit our eyes.
00:03:01So when we see somebody we like,
00:03:03images of that person hit our eyes physically.
00:03:05So seeing Cupid and pricking herself with his arrow tip
00:03:09is basically the same thing for Psyche, falling deeply,
00:03:13unerringly in love with whom she has just seen.
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May, R. (2025, March 12). Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche (5.21-27) - Love at First Sight (5.22-23) [Video]. MASSOLIT.
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May, R. "Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche (5.21-27) – Love at First Sight (5.22-23)." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 12 Mar 2025,