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English Language   >   Analysing Fiction

Narrative and Descriptive Techniques

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Analysing Fiction

In this course, Professor John Mullan, (UCL) shows us how to approach analysis of unseen prose fiction. In the first module, we introduce narrative and descriptive techniques looking at passages which use a first-person narrator. In the second module, we turn to the use of third person narration. In the third module, we examine settings, before looking at themes in the fourth module. In the fifth module, we consider characterisation and narrative voice. Finally, in the sixth module, we embark on a deeper analysis of language and structure in the extracts.

Narrative and Descriptive Techniques

In this lecture, we discuss narrative and descriptive techniques, focusing in particular on (i) first person narration (ii) characterisation through voice (iii) narrative perspective and biases (iv) reader-response and participation (v) understanding the emotions of the first-person narrator.

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Mullan, J. (2024, April 02). Analysing Fiction - Narrative and Descriptive Techniques [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Mullan, J. "Analysing Fiction – Narrative and Descriptive Techniques." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 02 Apr 2024,
