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English Language   >   Accent and Dialect

Introduction and Overview

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Accent and Dialect

In this course, Dr Chris Montgomery (University of Sheffield) explores accent and dialect variation, and also attitudes to accent and dialect variation. In the first module, we introduce some of the key terms associated with accent and dialect, including 'accent' and 'dialect' themselves, but also 'sociolect' and 'idiolect'. After that, in the second module, we think about the various components that constitute an accent or dialect, which is followed in the third module by a listening exercise. In the fourth module, we explore Multicultural London English (MLE) and Multicultural British English (MBE), before turning in the fifth and sixth modules to consider attitudes to language, particularly in relation to education, employability and public shaming. In the seventh and final module, we introduce the a branch of linguistics called language regard, with a particular focus on perceptual dialectology.

Introduction and Overview

In this module, we introduce some key terms associated with accent and dialect, as well as thinking about some key debates related to the use of regional English. As we move through the module, we consider: (i) the definition of dialect, accent, sociolect and idiolect; (ii) the concept of standard and non-standard English; and (iii) some key debates related to the use of regional English: is using regional English lazy? does using non-standard English disadvantage speakers? can people actually express themselves better using regional or non-standard language?

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Montgomery, C. (2022, May 06). Accent and Dialect - Introduction and Overview [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Montgomery, C. "Accent and Dialect – Introduction and Overview." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 06 May 2022,


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Dr Chris Montgomery

Sheffield University